
Case Statement:​

Your client is a retail bank which is facing a decline in profits. Analyse.

I: Your client is a retail bank which is facing a decline in profits. Analyse

C: For how long have the profits been declining? Is it Pan India? Are the competitors also facing similar issues?

I: The profits have been declining for 3 quarters, the problem is across India but urban branches are facing more issues, and this is a company-specific issue.

C: Okay. Profit decline means either revenue gone down or cost have increased

I: Are you sure these are the only possible ways?

C: No. It's also possible that

C: 1. Both Rev and cost increased but in different magnitudes

C: 2. Both Rev and cost decreased but in different magnitudes

C: 3. Rev deceased, cost increased

I:  Perfect. Our client cost remains same, revenue has decreased

C: I would like to divide revenue into core and non-core activities. Core is interest received on loans given and investment income

C: Non-core is Credit card operations, Account charges, Forex, Investment Services, Demat, etc.

C: Any changes in core / non-core revenue compared to earlier periods?

I: Yes. Core revenue remains same. Non core has changed. Particularly in credit card operations

C: Okay. Breaking this into 3 phases. Pre usage, during usage and post usage.

C: Pre-usage would be credit card subscription charges

C: During usage would be merchant commission of 2-3%

C: Post usage would be delayed payments ( Interest charged on outstanding balance)

C: Any change in one of these?

I: Yes. During usage.

C:  Okay. During usage revenue can be broken as per this formula

C: 1. No of Customers with CC

C: 2. Proportion of active customers

C: 3. Avg no of swipes per customer / year

C: 4. Avg amount swiped per swipe

C: 5. Percentage commission charged

I: Very impressive breakdown. There is a change in the number of people using our credit card as competitors have come up with better features making our card redundant. Thank you

Background Information:

Company – Retail Bank

Competitor – No major change in landscape. Company-specific issue

Time period – 3 quarters

Region – Pan India but more in urban branches

Case Tips:

While it was identified that competitors were offering better features, it would have been beneficial to probe deeper into what those specific features were and how they compared to our client's offerings.