Bank Chain

Case Statement:​

Your client is a bank chain in Dubai that has observed a decrease in its Casa Ratio for the past six months. Please determine the reasons for the same and suggest measures to counter it

C: Can you help me by understanding what Casa Ratio Means?

I: Yes, Casa Ratio is the ratio of deposits in current and savings account to the total deposits with the bank.

C: So, are the savings and current deposits decreasing with the total savings remaining fairly constant?

I: Yes, that is what seems to be happening.

C: Is it because of reduction in customer deposits or reduction in customers?

I: The deposits per customer haven’t diminished. The customers overall have been decreasing.

C: Understood. I would now like to understand a few things about the business in general. Is the problem visible in all branches or is it localized to only a certain geography?

I: The problem that we see is only in a singular branch in a relatively posh area in Dubai.

C: Do we see the issue of decreasing CASA for any particular kind of client?

I: Yes, the issue is only for the individual client.

C: Before moving further to customer segments, I would like to understand if there has been any change in the customer demographics in the area?

I: No, the demographics have remained fairly constant.

C: Okay, what kind of individual customers do we cater to?

I: The client caters to both international and local customers. The decline in customers is primarily in the international customers’ segment.

C: Understood, I would now like to determine why do we see a reduction in the international customers.

I: Okay, go ahead.

C: I would like to look at the factors affecting customer perceptions such as changes in the client’s company, differentiating factors of their competitors, changes in consumer demographics and any regulatory changes that may be affecting their sales.

I: Seems like a fair approach. I can tell you that the client has seen no noticeable changes on the side of competitors. Additionally, consumer demographics have remained more or less the same and there have been no new regulations.

C: This points to an issue in the said branch only. Am I right in assuming the same?

I: Yes, you are right.

C: Thank you. I would like to understand the changes in the products and services in the past six months of the particular branch, if there are any?

I: There have been no changes in the products and services of the branch, and they are as per industry standards.

C: Okay, has the location of the branch shifted somewhere in the same location so that it may be causing issues with accessibility?

I: No, the branch has remained where it was.

C: Understood. Is it safe for me to assume that there have been no pricing changes given the branch is a part of a larger chain of banks?

I: Yes, the assumption is correct. What else could be the reason?

C: Given that Product, Place and Prices have remained the same, it points towards a promotion issue. Have we seen any changes in the way we promote the branch?

I: Yes, we did make a few promotional changes where we changed the banner to the local language.

C: Yes, that could be a reason for decline in the number of customers. 

I: Yes, that is correct. Can you now suggest some measures to improve the same?

C: Yes, we can begin by putting an alternate signboard in English as well so that the international customers can recognize the branch. Also, given that

they are international customers; we can strengthen our internet banking facilities as well so that they do not have to visit the branch for services that can be done from the comfort of their homes.

I: Yes, these two recommendations sound fair and something that we can look at. Thank you, we can close the case now.

Background Information:

Competitors: Other banking chains

Geography: Spread across Dubai

Consumers: Businesses and Individuals (Should be clarified with questioning)

Case recommendations:

The case required one to look at international clients. This can be gauged by digressing into the kind of customers the business is serving.