Information for students

Last updated: 6th June 2022

Our Careers Adviser is Mrs Gibbins.

She is based in the Opportunity Zone, at the back of the Main Hall.

Her job is to help pupils find out about their options for the future and make decisions. She also organises visits to colleges and universities as well as arranging Careers events in school.

You can just pop in to see her at break and lunchtime or drop her an email at

You will learn about Careers through

  • work done in PSHCE lessons and Vision and Values

  • STEM (Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering) activities and competitions

  • activities provided by employers and other agencies

  • work linking careers to the different subjects you study

  • themed events eg. Careers evening and WOW (World of Work) and College days

  • work done on your Experience passport

We have four core themes

  1. The world of work- learning about local employment opportunities, employers and the workplace

  2. Personal awareness - understanding personal strengths and where they could lead

  3. Careers education - learning about post-16 pathways including apprenticeships

  4. Advice and guidance - delivered impartially to support decision making

We have a 5 year plan to help you work towards your career goals

You can find more details about the plans for your year group by clicking on the link below for your year group

Years 7 and 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Careers curriculum map to share.pdf
Wyvern Careers Offer2021-22 for planners.pdf

A summary of our careers offer is in all student planners