Information about the jobs market

Last updated 6th June 2022

Labour market information

is information that helps you to make an informed informed decisions about whether a career is right for you.

You need to think about things like ....

  • Are there jobs that you would want to do?

  • Will you have to move away to find a job?

  • How much will you get paid?

  • What sort of companies can you work for or will you have to work for yourself (be self employed)?

  • Will the number of jobs increase in the next few years?..... or decrease

  • is this the right job for you?

You can use this information to make important decisions about study and training, your first job, or the next step in your career.


You can use this to compare wages and employment in our local area with the rest of the UK and see what the growth job sectors are.

The LMI for All Careerometer

is a useful widget.

Just type in the name of a career you are interested in and it will give you the average salary and tell you whether the nuumber of jobs is predicted to increase or decrease in the next few years.

It also tells you how many of the people doing that job at the moment are due to retire ... in case you want to apply for their job.

Another good place to look for information is the National Careers Service website.

As well as telling you about the skills and qualifications you ned for different careers you can see how many hours you would work, whether you'd be working at evenings and weekends as well as showing you trends in the numbers of jobs in that sector.

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