April 2022

Writer: Kayla

Photographer: Maanvi

Girls Who Code👩‍💻

Do you know what Girls Who Code is? Well some girls might know but if you don’t, it's basically where girls come together and learn how to code as a group. Want to know how it started? Well me, (Kayla), saw the idea and thought, “ If I am interested in coding“ So here we are, my teacher teaching us and teaching herself along with us on a website called Girls Who Code HQ. It is pretty cool, we can learn so many new things using Scratch that go along with the lessons on the Girls Who Code website.

All Girls

Kayla and Maanvi

Meera and Sana

Kavya and Vani

Manha and Sachi

Diva and Somya

Editor: Sashwin

Photographer: Dharshan

National Anime Day 📺

Anime is very popular, and there is a large amount of anime merchandise.

People have hoodies, shirts, figures, and so on.

Okay, first, what is anime? Anime is an animated series about a manga, or a Japanese novel. Some popular anime known by most include, Attack on Titan, Naruto, One Piece, Boku No ,Hero Academia (My Hero Academia), Dragon Ball Z, Demon Slayer, and much more. The popularity of anime also brings things like merchandise into the market. People really seem to be attached to how anime is drawn, so there are many people trying to learn the artistic style of anime. Though sometimes an anime is discontinued, and makes some tension in the community, and mostly online. There is also lots of toxicity to anime. Some people who dislike anime tend to call the watchers of it weebs.

Writer: Bhumika Gowda

Photographer: Jessica Shirvistav

🌹National Gardening Day 🌼

Flowers include roses,sunflowers,tulips and ect. You know what this reminds me of GARDENING. You know what gardening reminds me of NATIONAL GARDENING DAY. What is National Gardening Day? National Gardening Day is when we celebrate the beauty of gardening. It is when we respect nature by gardening. I can tell this because I am a nature lover like some of you guys. I did not know that there was a day that celebrates gardening. It is the first time I have ever heard about it so I do not know much about this day but I would sure love to know more! SO LET US BEGIN LEARNING ABOUT NATIONAL GARDENING DAY!

Let’s start with the main question. When is National Gardening Day? National Gardening Day is on April 14.Hey after National Gardening day in 3 more days it is my Birthday. Well that was a nice discovery and an easy question to answer. So let's move on.

Next question, what is the history behind National Gardening Day? National Gardening Day was established by Cool Springs Press in 2018 to celebrate the hobby of gardening and give encouragement to gardeners to share their knowledge. This looked like the 2nd most easy question to answer right.

MMMM? What can be another question a person could ask about National Gardening Day or something related to gardening. Ohh me dummy I do not know anything about both of these so why don’t I think about myself. I have a question. See me, that was so easy. Now to the questions before I forget. Is there only one type of gardening? Let’s search this question on Google because this is the toughest question I had this day. Let me see. Yes there is. I only found one. It is Container Gardening for beginners.Hey I got my next question. Hooray🎊!

You might be wondering what my next question is.. Hint: is related to the question above. The question is: What is Container gardening and how do you do it? Container Gardening is when you get a pot, put soil in it and plant a plant. Easy as pie right. Haha! It was suppose to be a joke. I think?

Now, what other questions can I think about National Gardening Day? Mmmmmmm? Ohh I know. What no, that does not make sense. Actually that question does make sense. So let me introduce my next question. Tantan taaa TanTantan taaa! It is!! What do people do in gardening and how do they do it? We all know the answer to the first part of the question I think because the answer is growing stuff. This is because in gardening you grow stuff. Get it! I do not think you did. Let's move on. Now the second and most difficult part of the question: …how do they do it. Do what? Garden. Now I just know a little bit about it so do not mind how much I say. I know that first you need to have nice furnished soil. Then you can plant your seeds and grow them. Remember to plant it everyday so the plant can grow and does not die. Also remember to not put over water. Put a little bit of water everyday until you finally get to know by estimate how much water the plants need. Now that is all I know about planting.

Writer and Photographer: Kirubanath

World Book Day📚

Do you know what is World Book Day and when it is celebrated? World Book Day was created by UNESCO on April 23rd, 1995 as a worldwide celebration to read books and enjoy reading. It was created to encourage children to enjoy reading books. It was also created to find the pleasure of reading. On World Book Day, UK and Ireland hold a charity event. Some competitions include reading some particular books. Have you ever read a book?

You can celebrate World Book Day by entering book competitions in your region. You can read books and win prizes and more than that you will see if you like the book or not. You can also read a book series. E.g., Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Writer: Anuj Shah

Photographer: Sohan Patel

Good Friday ✝️

What is Good Friday? Well, Good Friday is the Friday before Easter, and it is the day on which Christians celebrate Jesus Christ's death. Since the early days of Christianity, Good Friday has been celebrated as a day of sorrow and fasting. On April 15, 2022, Good Friday was celebrated.

So, how did Jesus die? The night before he died, Jesus and his disciples visited the Garden of Gethsemane. There, Jesus was arrested by a group of people led by one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot. He was questioned and convicted by the Sanhedrin. But before they could execute him, the religious leaders needed Rome's approval.

Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, received Jesus. Pilate saw no motive to bring charges against Jesus. Pilate had Jesus transferred to Herod in Jerusalem after he discovered that Jesus was from Galilee. Because Jesus refused to answer Herod's questions, he was returned to Pilate. Although Pilate deemed Jesus to be innocent, he sentenced him to death because he was afraid of the multitudes who wanted Jesus killed.

Jesus was spat on, beaten, insulted, and struck on the head with a stick. He was compelled to carry his cross until he became too weak, at which point Simon of Cyrene was forced to carry it for him. During the Crucifixion, two convicts were crucified at the same time. One was crucified on Jesus' right, while the other was hung on his left. The region was thereafter enveloped in darkness.

An earthquake shook the Earth when Jesus gave up his spirit, causing the temple curtain to fall. When the soldiers came to Jesus, he was already dead. As evening fell, Joseph of Arimathea (with the help of Nicodemus) took Jesus' body down from the cross and had him placed in his new tomb. A great stone was rolled over the entrance, sealing the tomb.

God is holy in Christianity, while humans are wicked; holiness cannot coexist with sin, hence humanity's sin separates us from God. The penalty for sin is death for all eternity. Atonement necessitates a flawless, faultless sacrifice presented properly. Accepting Jesus Christ's sacrifice for sin cleanses us of our sin and restores our relationship with God.

Writer: Asmi

Photographer: Bhavishya


When you think of Easter, you probably think of egg hunts and bunnies but that’s not all about Easter. Easter is celebrated on April 17 this year but it can change from year to year. Did you know that the tradition of Easter eggs came from Mesopotamia? Easter is celebrated all around the world. In Indonesia, they have festivals in main cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, and Manado. In Australia people celebrate by heading to Mass at their local church, gathering for a meal with family, or catching up with friends. In Italy, they celebrate Easter by having religious parades and celebrations, and by having Easter meals such as eggs, lamb, Easter pie, and many more. In America, we celebrate Easter by having Easter egg hunts and decorating eggs in many different shapes and colors. Many people like Easter but some people dislike it. The mascot of Easter is mostly a bunny or a chick. We also eat special kinds of candy on Easter such as cotton candy peeps or little chocolate Easter eggs. Easter is Celebrated all around the world and has many traditions. People eat special kinds of foods and have festivals to celebrate. Have a happy Easter and wait for the mythical Easter bunny to come.

Writer: Jugraj

Photographer: Manraj

👦National Siblings Day 👧

National Siblings Day takes place on April 10, every year. On this day siblings get together to honor each other just like mothers get honored on Mothers Day. National Sibling Day brings siblings together to reconnect and get closer to each other. It is important to honor siblings because siblings are our best friends and help us through our tough times.

National Sibling Day can be celebrated by getting together with your siblings and spending time together. Siblings live far away from each other. Siblings Day can be celebrated to send gifts and cards. Siblings who can see each other can all get together for lunch or dinner and tell stories of childhood memories together. Siblings can get together and share old photos and family videos in order to feel connected with one another.

National Sibling Day was created by Claudia Evart, after losing her two siblings in early childhood. Even though Sibling day is not recognized as a federal holiday siblings all over the country take time out of their busy schedules to celebrate together! National Sibling Day brings love and joy to all siblings celebrating!

Writer: Akshara

Photographer: Charvi

National Unicorn Day🦄

Do you love unicorns? Well, I don’t. (I like dragons and snakes) If you like unicorns, nice!! So back on topic, unicorns are a species of horses that DOES NOT exist. People used to believe that unicorns were alive. It was said before that, “Unicorns are real but we can’t see them, meaning that they are not capable of showing themselves!” That quote still remains to be true. EXCEPT, the part that says “Unicorns are real. ”

National Unicorn Day became founded by, well….nobody!! Scotland’s mascot or symbol is a unicorn. Why is the day celebrated? We should honor the beautiful horned, mythical creature, the unicorn. When is it? April 9th. So, Unicorn Day must be celebrated if the teachers approve it! That’s it for unicorns!

Writer and Photographer: Ananya M

Burritos vs. Empanadas!🌯

National Burrito day falls on April 7th. It is said that burritos were made in 1895. Burrito meaning “donkey, or little donkey” in Spanish, is eaten on April 7th. Burritos were invented in Mexico. A burrito is made from a flour tortilla consisting of many different ingredients. Usually consisting of meat, (mostly beef), salsa, and beans. Burritos can have many different ingredients.

National Empanada falls a day after, April 8th. Empanadas are made by folding dough over stuffing. Like burritos, empanadas can have many different ingredients. It can consist of meat, vegetables, and fruit. They are from Spain and Portugal. They are usually baked or deep-fried. People most likely like burritos more than empanadas. So National Burrito Day would probably win. Which one is your favorite? Empanadas or Burritos?

Writer: Srithika

Photographer: Maanvi

National Caramel Day🍯

  • We all know caramel as a gooey sweet treat but do we know its origins or its inventors or even where it came from? Well, this article answers those questions.

  • Caramel Day is on April 5 this year. The earliest trace of caramel in history was among the Arabs several centuries ago. It arrived known to our land because the American Settlers made hard candy in kettles.

  • Caramel can be a topping on sundaes or some people just eat it as a treat.

  • National caramel day is celebrated by gifting jars of homemade caramel and enjoying time with family and friends.

  • It has been around since 1000 AD but only being world-renowned a couple of centuries ago.

  • I hope that you enjoyed my article about National Caramel Day 😋.

Writer: Janvi

Photographer: Sasmithaa

National Library Week📔

National Library Week spreads out from April 3 to April 9. On these days, we celebrate national libraries and library workers. Imagine that you went to an amazon sized library. You can’t find your way to your favorite novel because there aren’t any librarians to guide you. Being a librarian means knowing exactly where you can find books for your customers. So, being a librarian is actually way harder than anyone might think it is.

Libraries are built to inspire young readers to read and explore the world of words. All the authors you know started from readers and turned what they read into their own imagination. People mostly prefer reading chapter books, and so do I. The reason being is that while reading, instead of looking at the illustrator's drawings, you can imagine what you think is happening.

In some libraries, a librarian reads children's books daily. One of the best parts is that when the book you want to read isn’t available at the moment, you can reserve it on the library's computers. Just remember to return your books on time because if you don’t, you will have to pay the price. Don’t forget to say thank you to your librarian! Happy reading!

Writer: Emaan Shazad

Photographer: Alveena Alam


RAMADAN KAREEM! What is Ramadan? You ask. Well, Ramadan (Rum-maa-dawn) is a special time for Muslims around the world. Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It lasts for about 29-30 DAYS, depending on the moon, followed by a special 3-day celebration called Eid-al-Fitr. If you want to greet someone a well Ramadan, you can either say Ramadan Mubarak (Moo-baa-rik) or Ramadan Kareem (Ka-reem)During Ramadan, you do many religious things, but the thing that is the most important is fasting. As you (may) already know, fasting is when you don’t eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset. Not only that we just fast, but we also do much other religious stuff.

Ramadan also teaches patience and being grateful, too. It is also known as the Month of Mercy and Purification. Muslims aim to stay clean and purify their bodies and minds during Ramadan. You're probably wondering why we fast. We fast to draw closer to God. It also serves as a reminder of those who are suffering, such as the destitute. Fasting is also a self-control practice. It allows Muslims to experience what it's like to be destitute and hungry. It instills in them a sense of gratitude for what they have. Ramadan is also the month when individuals try to stay away from any negative behaviors or deeds. It's also an opportunity to pause and consider how we may improve as humans.

During Ramadan, Muslims must follow the 5 Pillars of Islam, which are the five most important things they must accomplish. Shahada, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, and Hajj are the five pillars. The Shahada (Sha-hud-a) is a declaration of confidence and trust in Allah, our Creator. Muslims identify themselves to be Muslims by saying a statement in Arabic. We also read the Qur'an, which is one of the sacred books that Almighty God has sent us (Koran). Fasting is another name for sawm. Zakat is the fourth pillar. Zakat is when we give donations to those who meet the necessary wealth standards,. Hajj is the final pillar. Hajj is a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca that takes a spot in the final month of the year and is required of all Muslims at least once in their lives.

Suhoor (Suu-hour) is a pre-dawn meal. Before we do the morning prayer, we must first wake up at night and consume as much food as possible. After that, we speak an Arabic statement to signify that we are fasting for the day. Iftar, on the other hand, is where we open our fast. We eat (yummy) food and say a special Arabic statement to say that we had fasted that day. We can eat as much as we can during that time, then it repeats for the rest of the month.

The month of Ramadan can be broken down into 3 simple sections, each with 10 days. The final part is the most blessed one. One of the final 10 days could be the most sacred night of the Islamic year! It is called Laylatul Qadr (Layla-tul Kud-ar). It has an undecided date, (it could happen on the odd number of nights in the last 10 days.) In the Quran (our religious book) it states that “The Night of Power is better than 1000 months The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by the leave of their Lord, with every commends peace it is until the break of dawn.” (97:3) The prophet (PBUH) says, “Whoever prays on Laylatul Qadr out of faith and sincerity, shall have their past sins forgiven.” When we donate stuff during Ramadan, the rewards are x70 than if you would donate on a regular day. But the reward for any righteous act during Laylatul Qadr is equivalent to having performed the same act for 83 years!! The night of Laylatul Qadr is also the night where the Qur’an was first revealed. There is more to the powerful night.

As I mentioned before, at the end of Ramadan, we have a 3-day celebration called Eid -ul-Fitr. Anyway, this is all about Ramadan. Also, search up Ramadan on Google and there is a fun activity featured!



Writer: Manav

Photographer: Jay

Earth Day 🌐

Earth Day is a day that we celebrate on April 22 every year. It is a day to help the earth with its many problems.

New York’s Mayor, John V. Lindsay, created the USA’s first Environmental Protection Administration in 1968. In 1970, Nixon Administration created the Environmental Protection Agency and had passed the Clean Air Act. These started the first Earth Day.

On Earth Day, students would learn about the day. Some schools would pick up trash, but others would learn about the three Rs. They are Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle.

Kids would walk or bike on Earth Day instead of using cars because cars produce gasses that affect the ozone layer. Others would plant trees or other plants to make a community garden. Or schools near the beach might help clean up the beach.

There are many things that people can do on Earth Day. Just make sure to know that this is our home and our future.

Writer: Kadyn

Photographer: Om

Day of Silence🔇

April 22, 2022, is GLSEN Day of Silence. Day of Silence was created by students and it’s a program that which LGBTQIA+ students and allies around the world take a pledge of silence to protest against the effects of discrimination against LGBTQIA+ students.

GLSEN stands for gay lesbian & straight education network. Every April, students go through the school day, silent, and then break the silence at the end of the day with rallies/events. It is also to bring awareness to ways the communities can be more inclusive.

GLSEN has more programs like No Name-Calling Week, Solidarity Week, and Changing the Game.

Day of Silence is important because it protests the acts of bullying LGBTQIA+ students in schools as they are being discriminated against for just that reason.

Writer: Dev

Photographer: Anjali

April Fools Day🃏

Have you ever wondered what April Fool’s Day is all about? Well then, here is your answer! You see, historians think that April Fool’s Day originated all the way back to 1582 when France started using the Gregorian calendar. In 1561, Eduard de Dene wrote a poem about April Fool’s Day. In that poem, it talked about when a master sends a servant out on many wild errands and then eventually realizes that this was just a “fool’s errands”. People believe that April 1st, April Fool’s Day, has come to become a day of joy and comedy represents the darkness of winter that transforms into the joyfulness of spring.

There have been many famous tricks played by the people of the U.S on social media. For example, NPR (National Public Radio) posted a link, “Why doesn’t America Read Anymore?” This started a very heated argument among people who did not click on the link. Those who did were greeted by this challenge “Congratulations, genuine readers, and happy April Fool’s Day! We sometimes get the sense that some people are commenting on NPR stories that they actually haven’t read. If you are reading this, please like this post and do not comment on it. Then let’s see what people have to say about this “story.” Another example is, In 1992, The show Talk of the Nation ran a hoax story in which Richard Nixon -- played by Rich Little -- announced he was running for president again with the slogan “I didn’t do anything wrong, and I won’t do it again.” These are two funny pranks pulled by NPR on social media.

Fun facts!

  • The most famous prank was pulled off by the French people. A person sticks a paper fish on another person’s back unnoticed and then calls out “April Fish!” I guess the French really know how to make people look stupid! 🤣

  • In 2008, BBC said that the penguins flew from Antarctica to South America’s tropical rainforest! BBC really nailed it this time. 😂😂😂😂

  • In some countries, people throw flour at each other as part of the festivities.