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TPACK model

TPACK Model provides a framework for identifying the teacher knowledge required to integrate technology effectively within their teaching. In TPACK, Technological Knowledge – TK, is most effective when it is combined with deep Content Knowledge – CK (curriculum subject matter) and Pedagogical Knowledge – PK (teaching strategies and knowledge of the learner).

How to use it- Teachers need to understand the technology, content and teaching strategies they are using in a lesson. They should break these areas into the TPACK model and assure they are meeting each one to the fullest. Teachers could use an app to help further content areas such as reading and writing for an ELL.

This is important because TPACK can be incorporated into the STEM curriculum. We can find new ways to use content as technology tools in the classroom. These can be used through whole group, small group and individual use through apps or simply using a computer classroom.

Click here for more information about TPACK!

Here is an example of using the TPACK method for Marine Animals!

  • This unit is focused on Science and Technology MA 2nd grade standards. For this Marine unit, I imagine my students to use technology during learning activities to make sure the expectations of the activities are being met. I will make sure their expectations are met while I use the TPACK model to guide myself throughout the unit. Students will interact with specific technology apps during each activity to expand their knowledge and experience with using technology in the classroom. Students will be learning about Marine animals, the different kinds of marine animals, the habitat they live in and what they need to survive.

  • Throughout each learning activity students will be interacting with several different forms of technology, apps and websites. By the end of the unit, students should have a basic understanding about different animals and what they need to survive in their habitats.