Miss. Woodall's Classroom

About Me!

Hello, my name is Isabella Woodall and I am an early childhood educator. I got my degree in Early Childhood Education and Psychology from Bridgewater State University. I have my MASTERS in STEM education which I received at BSU. I am licensed to teach Pre-K-2nd and I have a BIG passion for STEM education. My favorite thing to learn about is space and the galaxy we live in! Incorporating STEM into daily classroom practices is important to me.

I am currently working at the Delaney School in Wrentham as a Kindergarten Teacher!

This website provides information for other educators, students and their families for elementary aged school children. This website is categorized into each subject to make it helpful for targeting specific content areas.

This website can be used for helpful resources, apps to use at home and additional articles and information to use in your personal classroom or at home with your child.

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Using technology as a DIFFERENTIATING tool

Differentiated instruction is a way of teaching based on different students’ talents and learning styles. Learning about how to differentiate instruction can lead to student success in the classroom. According to the article, "On the Effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction," differentiated instruction can be applied in different areas like the content, process, product and learning environment based on students’ readiness, interests and learning profile.

Differentiating instruction in the classroom can be challenging but technology can help! Students learn best when they have a connection to the material and why not use technology to help. Technology is the future and most students have experience with technology outside of school. According to the article, "How to Use Technology to Differentiate Instruction in the Classroom," teachers need to identify the students zone of proximal development to truly understand their strengths and weaknesses in the classroom. Technology can help teachers provide a map and pathway for each individual student.

Using technology in the classroom as a differentiating tool helps students become lifelong learners. According to the article, "Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction," technology can help teachers with assessment, finding students strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Using technology can help teachers find a variety of strategies to help the students diverse needs by using technology in the classroom. This also provides the teacher to do small-group, whole group and individual instruction through technology. Using technology in the classroom helps create a student-centered classroom. Teachers can use technology to differentiate homework assignments allowing students to work at their own pace and make them engaged in the homework activity.

Technology can be used for any learners in your classroom. One article discusses using technology for deaf students in the classroom. In the article, "Using Technology to Provide Differentiated Instruction for Deaf Learners," technology can be used to enhance learning and this is especially true for deaf students who cant follow the traditional teaching methods in the classroom. The article discusses how curriculum material can be created in digital media form to be used in the classroom. This article discusses how using technology can be used to accommodate to students with disabilities and they can learn at their own pace in the classroom. Technology can also be used for students on IEP's and ELL.

Overall, using technology in the classroom to differentiate instruction is a great tool for all teachers. Technology can make it easier for teachers to differentiate instruction in the classroom and make learning for engagement for all students. According to the article, "Enhancing Learning Through Differentiated Technology," the author notes, "With the advent of powerful online learning tools. . . students might be able to receive instruction that's truly individualized to their own needs -- differentiation on steroids." Technology in the classroom can an open door for teachers and their students to teach and learn to their fullest abilities.

Bibliography:Magableh, I. S. I., & Abdullah, A. (2020). On the Effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction in the Enhancement of Jordanian Students’ Overall Achievement. International Journal of Instruction, 13(2), 533.
Richards, K. (2019, September 25). How to Use Technology to Differentiate Instruction. Retrieved from https://www.hmhco.com/blog/how-to-use-technology-to-differentiate-instruction-in-the-classroom
Shepherd, C. M., & Alpert, M. (2015). Using Technology to Provide Differentiated Instruction for Deaf Learners. Journal ofInstructional Pedagogies, 16.
Stern, J. (2015, March 30). Enhancing Learning Through Differentiated Technology. Retrieved from https://www.edutopia.org/blog/enhanced-learning-through-differentiated-technology-julie-stern
Logan, B. (2011). Examining Differentiated Instruction: Teachers Respond. Research in Higher Education Journal, 13.