Activity 4

Introduction: The students will have background knowledge on lakes, rivers and pollution before starting this lesson. The students will be heading to Sweat Hill to discuss this lesson on littering and where it will end up. The students will learn what a landform is, its characteristics and the definition. The students will have a hands on experience where they will walk up sweat hill and have the discussion of where the trash will end up if the wind or rain fall made it travel down the hill.

Learning outcome:

  • Students will be able to identify what a landform is.

  • Students will be able to predict where the trash will end up.

  • Students will understand that if trash ends up in a river it can travel for miles.

  • Students will be able to discuss how trash from a hill can end up in a river due to rain or wind blowing it into the bodies of water.


2-ESS2-4(MA). Observe how blowing wind and flowing water can move Earth materials from one place to another and change the shape of a landform.

  • Clarification Statement:

    • Examples of types of landforms can include hills, valleys, river banks, and dunes.

2-ESS2-2. Map the shapes and types of landforms and bodies of water in an area.

  • Clarification Statements:

    • Examples of types of landforms can include hills, valleys, river banks, and dunes.

    • Examples of water bodies can include streams, ponds, bays, and rivers.

    • Quantitative scaling in models or contour mapping is not expected.

2. Write informative/explanatory texts that introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.

Inquiry questions:

  • What happens to trash when wind/ rain flow carries it away from its original place?

  • What happens to trash when it gets inside rivers and lakes?

  • What is a landform? What is a pond?

Overview of learning experience: The students will walk to Sweat Hill where they learn about landforms. The students will learn what happens when a landform is littered and water/ wind makes this item travel. They will learn that it ends up in bodies of water and how far it can travel.

Narrative of lesson: The students will take a walk to Sweat Hill which is located right behind the Delaney School. The students can learn about this landform and its history which used to be a ski mount a long time ago. Students will discuss what happens if we leave trash on top of the hill. Where will it go? What will happen to it? Students will hopefully be able to come up with the idea that the trash could lead to rivers and lakes. When trash enters a river, it can travel miles and miles from lakes, ponds, rivers all the wat to the ocean. This can be shown on Google Maps. When they get back into the classroom, show how Trout Pond leads to a river which then leads all the way to Lake Pearl (Identify what a pond is). Discuss how the trash from Sweat Hill can end up in one of these bodies of water. Have the students draw a picture of the trash flowing through the pond, river and lake. The students can write a caption describing what is happening in their drawing. Students should continue to add to their science notebooks where they are collecting data to make a final project with all of the information they have learned.





