Activity 3

Introduction: This lesson will be the introduction to pollution and what happens to bodies of water when we throw trash, chemicals and other harmful materials or liquids into our oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers and etc. Students will be discussing why we should not pollute our lakes and rivers in Wrentham. The students will learn what it means to pollute and the negative outcomes from it. They will be discussing why its not good for our environment due to the animals and plants living in these bodies of water. They will brainstorm ways to help keep our wildlife clean and safe.

Learning outcome:

  • Students will be able to identify what polluting means.

  • Students will be able to discuss negative outcomes of polluting.

  • Students will be able to discuss why we shouldn't pollute the environments animals/ plants live in.

  • Students will be able to identify ways to keep our wildlife clean.


2-ESS2-2. Map the shapes and types of landforms and bodies of water in an area.

  • Clarification Statements:

    • Examples of types of landforms can include hills, valleys, river banks, and dunes.

    • Examples of water bodies can include streams, ponds, bays, and rivers.

    • Quantitative scaling in models or contour mapping is not expected.

2-LS2-3(MA). Develop and use models to compare how plants and animals depend on their surroundings and other living things to meet their needs in the places they live.

2. Write informative/explanatory texts that introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.

Inquiry questions:

  • What happens when we pollute bodies of water?

  • What happens to the plants and animals when their habitats are polluted?

  • How can we protect our environment from pollution?

Overview of learning experience: Students will be diving deep into pollution where they will identify the meaning and why we should not pollute bodies of water. They will discuss the importance of keeping animals and plants habitats clean.

Narrative of lesson: As a class, the students should be introduced the vocabulary word pollution. Students should have some knowledge of what this word means since the Delaney School recycles in every single classroom. They can make this connection to littering and hopefully some students will have heard of the word pollution. Students will watch a video discussing how pollution is taken over in different bodies of water around the world. The students will then discuss what happens to the animals and plants in these bodies of water. They students can create ways to stop pollution. Informing others why we need to protect animas and plants habitats. The students will write a letter to the town of Wrentham informing them why we need to keep our wildlife clean from pollution. The students should continue to add to their science notebooks discussing the new information they have learned about pollution and animal/ plant habitats.

Students can read with article with their teachers discussing how an algae bloom appeared on Lake Pearl during the Summer of 2020.






