
Welcome to the Math Department at Galt Collegiate!

What math class should I take?

In the summer of 2020, the Ministry of Education announced a new Grade 9 math course which will be the compulsory Grade 9 math course in all Ontario schools effective September 2021. As details become available we will share with our community, including the implications for our school designated programs and magnet programs. This new curriculum will be a continuation of the grade 8 curriculum.

MTH1W - Mathematics, Grade 9

This course enables students to consolidate, and continue to develop, an understanding of mathematical concepts related to number sense and operations, algebra, measurement, geometry, data, probability, and financial literacy. Students will use mathematical processes, mathematical modelling, and coding to make sense of the mathematics they are learning and to apply their understanding to culturally responsive and relevant real-world situations. Students will continue to enhance their mathematical reasoning skills, including proportional reasoning, spatial reasoning, and algebraic reasoning, as they solve problems and communicate their thinking.

Here's a problem of the week to start you off.

The available math courses (and pathways) are shown below.

**Please note that effective September 2021, there will only be ONE option for grade 9 math.

The grade 10, 11, and 12 course codes remain unchanged for now.