

Grade 10

CHC2DF - French Immersion History

CHC2DI - Academic History

CHC2PI - Applied History

Grade 11

HSP3UI - University Level Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology

HSP3CI - College Level Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology

CHG331 - Crimes Against Humanity

CHW3MI - World History to the 16th Century

NDA3MI - Native Studies

Grade 12

HZT4UI - University Level Philosophy

CHY4UI - University Level World History

CHM4EI - Workplace Adventures in History

NDW4MI - Native Studies


J. Dunning

J. Hewitt

B. Kennedy

S. Kokoski

K. Watson

S. Wreford

"The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different”

-ALdous Huxley