Beth Jones                                         501-825-7744

JoEllen Cornell                                        501-825-7744

Mrs. Jo has been in involved with early childhood education for over 35 years. She loves getting to know each of her students individual personalities and watching them learn. In her free time, Mrs. Jo likes spending time with family, beach trips, golf, reading and walking her dog. 

Dena Palenske

My name is Dena Palenske and I am originally from Oklahoma. I am married to Mark Palenske who pastors First Assembly of God church in Greers Ferry. We have three married children and three (triplet) grand kids.

My education career began twenty-two years ago when my last child entered kindergarten. When I cried because I was all alone, Aaron said, “ Mom, you can work in the cafeteria”! I took his advice and talk to the principal. He placed me in Kindergarten of all places and the rest is history. Pre-school and kindergarten are my favorite simply because hands on learning is fun and exciting!!

Currently, I am working as a dyslexia educator. I have found a new challenging position and have learned a lot. The program is incredible. These students are gaining confidence and learning at a rapid pace. I believe every student could benefit from it. Our team of ladies are just that, a team. Always there to support the other.

Education is the best job you could have. During the off season I enjoy traveling with my husband, gardening, reading, sewing, and handing out with the triplets.