Welcome To Kindergarten!


 Dear Kindergarten Families,

Thank you for checking out my website.   Please be sure to check in with my blog once the school year begins as I will be adding to it to inform you of important things happening in Kindergarten!  I am excited to have your family become members of the Robinson School community.  I believe you will find a warm and nurturing environment for your child as they begin their school experience with the Westford Public Schools.

Children come to Kindergarten with a wide range of skills. Some children enter Kindergarten not knowing all the letters of the alphabet or able to count beyond 10.  While other children enter Kindergarten reading at the first grade (or beyond) level and are able to add numbers together.   It is my job to take your child at whatever level they are and move them forward, given our curriculum guidelines.

At Robinson school we also highly value the opportunity for free play and choice time in our schedule. Children will have time to play with their peers in a less structured, though safe, environment.

I know you and your child will have a successful kindergarten year!

~Mrs. Cecere






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