September 2023


We've had a great start to Kindergarten! I hope your children were able to share some details with you. If you are not getting much information from your child there is good news.... I will be using this blog to update you on all the learning and fun that is happening in our class. I have created a group email list using the email addresses you have provided to the school and I will send out an email each time I update the blog.

During the first weeks we established routines and talked a lot about safety and school rules. We practiced the fire drill route and your children did an excellent job lining up then walking out safely and quietly! We visited the playground each day and reviewed playground safety. We also read many stories and sang songs over the course of these two weeks. (See the link below to class favorites).

SONGS & Shared Read Alouds

Pictures of the Learning Fun!  

If you do not see your child's photo in here it is because you have not returned the permission form or you checked a box to not have their picture published in one of the sign off forms you returned.  If you wish to change your decision please let me know and I will change the info in the office.  

Things to Remember: