Play and Recess

Choice Time (PLAY) and Recess

Three days each week, children are given the chance to visit our free play areas. These include dramatic play, blocks, sand, water and the art center. These centers provide time for children to work at their own pace, develop creativity and communicate with their peers. Each area has many benefits, and we believe that providing these opportunities for your children is critical in our kindergarten.

Recess is also an important part of the kindergarten day at Robinson. Weather permitting, children will go out each day except on their Wellness day.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately, including sturdy shoes...Flip flops are not permitted on the climbing structures.

Free Play: 10 Benefits for Children

1.Muscular development and control of large muscles, fine motor skills, and eye-hand coordination.

2.Speech development through social interactions during play.

3.Social development is enhanced as children move from parallel play to cooperative play.

4.Language skill development through dramatic play to clarify ideas.

5.Problem solving and creative thinking- critical skills for living in the world today.

6.Increased consciousness of the cause and effect involved in a sequence of events.

7.Therapeutic value in providing opportunities for “safe” acting out behaviors.

8.Opportunities for decision making within the structure of a play environment.

9.Development of self-confidence while trying new things in a nonjudgmental environment.

10. Learning cooperation and appreciation of others perspective by putting themselves in the “shoes” of someone else.