Homework Guidelines


The Board of Education’s Homework Policy and school regulations support the following guidelines: 

- Homework is to be considered an extension of students’ learning experiences and skill development, and is closely integrated with the curriculum; 

- Homework should always have a valid learning purpose, should never be punitive, and should always be clear;

- Homework assignments should be aligned across the same grade or course in terms of frequency and level of challenge; 

- Homework should take into account, to the extent possible, students’ after-school activities and their abilities and needs; 

- Homework time guidelines: Approximately 30-45 minutes per academic course per night, with some Honors and AP courses extending beyond this; 

- No new homework assignments should be given over major religious holidays and observances, school vacations and holiday weekends featuring a due date immediately upon return; 

- Long-term homework assignments should be assigned well in advance; - Absent students should be given time to make up homework in a period equal to the length of the absence. That may be extended for completion of long-term assignments; 

- Homework should be checked, discussed and returned to students before teachers give another assignment for which students would rely on the prior homework’s feedback in order to prepare for completion; 

- Teachers should communicate with parents of students who are falling behind in completing homework. 

In addition to this policy, the high school also requires that all homework assignments be announced during class. Students should not learn about an assignment by seeing it on Google Classroom after the class has met; they should see it on Google Classroom in addition to hearing about it and seeing it on the board during class. In addition, homework should be due during the school day, ideally by the start of the course’s class period. Homework submissions should not be due after school hours. 

There is no requirement that students be given credit for homework submitted late. Students are required to complete homework regularly in order to continue growing as a learner.