Homework Guidelines

Check Your Child's Work

How closely you watch over homework will depend on the age of your child, how independent s/he is, and how well your child does in school.

Homework Guidelines

Assigning homework serves various educational needs. It serves as an intellectual discipline, establishes study habits, and eases time constraints on the amount of curricular material that can be covered in class, and supplements as well as reinforces work done in school. In addition, homework fosters +student initiative, independence, and responsibility and brings home and school closer together.

Homework Principles:

Teachers are encouraged to be sensitive and make allowances when scheduling tests, exams, and assignments on religious holidays and days immediately following religious holidays. When parents reinforce the completion of homework tasks, students benefit by improved achievement, better study habits, and a more positive attitude.

How Can Parents Get Involved?

Show you think education and homework are important. Children are more eager to do homework if they know their parents care.

How Much Time Should a Student Spend on Homework?

The following are guidelines for time homework assignments should take. Since each student works at a different pace, parents should use discretion as to how much time should be allotted to an assignment. If a child consistently has a difficult time finishing assignments, parents or students are encouraged to call or meet with the teacher.

Independent reading is an important component of a complete education for every student. The following guidelines do not include independent reading unless specifically assigned.

Grades 1-2 approximately 20 minutes per night Grades 3-5 approximately 30-45 minutes per night

Provide Guidance

The basic rule in helping with homework is: "Don't do the assignment yourself. It's not your homework--it's your child's."

Here are some things you can do to give guidance:

For example, if your child learns things best when s/he can see things, draw a picture or a chart to help with some assignments. However, if your child learns best when s/he can handle things, an apple cut four ways can help in learning fractions.

The Roles of Teachers and Students

Because teachers recognize that broad ranges of achievement levels exist in any student population, each homework activity is assigned in keeping with individual needs. It is the responsibility of the teacher to:

Students must be helped to share responsibility for their own academic progress. It is the responsibility of the student to:

Talk with Someone at School if Problems Come Up

If homework problems do arise, everyone needs to work together to resolve them -- the school, teachers, parents, and students.

What Is Homework?

Homework is defined as out-of-class tasks assigned to students as an extension or elaboration of classroom work. There are three types of homework: practice, preparation, and extension. Practice assignments reinforce newly acquired skills. For example, students who have just learned a new method of solving a mathematical problem should be given sample problems to complete on their own. Preparation assignments help students get ready for activities that will occur in the classroom. Students may, for example, be required to do background research on a topic to be discussed later in class. Extension assignments are frequently long-term continuing projects that parallel class work. Students must apply previous learning to complete these assignments, which include science fair projects and term papers.

The purpose of homework is: