
It is important that a student be present each day that school is in session.

The State of New Jersey has changed pupil attendance requirements. Student attendance is a critical factor in the success of our students. Research shows a direct correlation between student attendance and academic success in general. The only allowable absences recognized by the State are for religious observance or for college visits (limited to a maximum of 3 days per year for pupils in grades 11 & 12 only). All absences for all reasons are recorded and charged toward a pupil’s attendance record.

Absence From School

If a student needs to be absent, a parent/guardian should call the school by 8:30 a.m:

If we do not receive a call from a parent/guardian, the attendance secretary will call home to confirm the absence.  Students are responsible for work missed and can access assignments through each teacher’s webpage. If a student is absent for an extended period of time, a parent/guardian should contact their child’s guidance counselor.

Chronic Absenteeism 

is defined by the State of New Jersey as students missing 10% or more of the school year for any reason. This takes into account excused as well as unexcused days missed during the 181-day school year.


A student who has been absent is required, upon his/her return to school, to bring a note signed by the parent or guardian. Parents are asked not to request that their child be excused early except when an emergency makes early dismissal unavoidable. Such requests should be made by written note, giving the reason for the request. When excused early, please arrange for the student to be picked up at school, preferably in the school office.

Make-up Work

The material covered in each class session is an integral part of the course. Each student is required to complete make-up assignments for all absences. Assignments, class work, and tests are to be made-up by the student within a reasonable length of time. Arrangements to make up work must be initiated by the student and approved by the teacher. It is expected that each student will be present for each of the 181 days that school is in session. Removing students from school for vacations during school time is discouraged. Teachers are not required to provide work in advance. The regular time for make-up work is immediately following an absence.

Reporting an Absence

A student who has been absent is required, upon his/her return to school, to bring a note signed by the parent or guardian. Parents are asked not to request that their child be excused early except when an emergency makes early dismissal unavoidable. Such requests should be made by written note, giving the reason for the request. When excused early, please arrange for the student to be picked up at school, preferably in the school office.

Students Leaving Early from School

Students are expected to stay in school for the entire day to attend all classes.  We ask that doctor and dental appointments be scheduled around school hours.  In unusual or emergency situations, a student may be excused early if they have a written note from a parent/guardian.  Early dismissal notes must be given to the attendance secretary in the main office before homeroom.  The student will be issued a pass indicating the time of dismissal and at which time the student will report to the main office to be signed out by a parent/guardian.  If returning to school, the student must sign in the main office and will be given a pass to return to class.


Arriving to school on time is the best way to start the day. Students may arrive to school starting at 8:25 a.m. The first bell rings at 8:40 a.m. for students to enter the building. Students arriving after 8:40 a.m. should enter through the main entrance and will be marked late starting at 8:45 a.m. Students are to be signed in at the main office when arriving late to school. All tardies are unexcused without a doctor’s note.