Health Information

The school nurses/health educators allocate their time to carry out screening procedures, health evaluations, and health instruction in the areas of health, family living, and drug education. Nurses administer first aid for accidents and/or illness in school.

Parents are notified in cases of serious illness or accident. Because there is a possibility parents may not be home in such instances, it is imperative that parents/guardians complete and sign the STUDENT EMERGENCY FORM at the beginning of each school year. This form asks for the name, address and telephone numbers of a relative or friend who will assume responsibility for the child in his/her parents’ absence. The form also requests the names and addresses of a physician and a dentist.

Chicken Pox - Six days after onset of rash and/or until lesions are dry.  Physician’s note required.

Common Cold - Students should not attend school if the child has an elevated temperature greater than or equal to 100 degrees or nasal secretions (not clear in color) which are difficult to contain, must remain home from school until fever free for 24 hours without medication.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)- Until therapy has been instituted for 24 hours and discharge has ceased. Physician’s note required.

COVID-19 - If a symptomatic student is diagnosed with COVID-19, the students will be allowed to return to school when the following criteria are met:

Draining sores - If a draining wound cannot be covered, student cannot return to school until re-evaluated by a physician.

Gastrointestinal Illness (Diarrhea & Vomiting)

Hepatitis Infection - Until the end of febrile period, the onset Jaundice and/or seven days following. Physician’s note required

Herpes Zoster (Shingles) - A student may return to school one all lesions are crusted over. Physician note is required.

Impetigo - Until 24 hrs. After treatment begins. Infected areas must be covered in school. Physician’s note required.

Meningitis, Meningococcal - Until note is received from physician stating child is able to return.

Molluscum Contagiosum - Lesions must be covered while in school.  Until note is received from physician stating diagnosis. 

Pertussis - Until completion of 5 days of an appropriate course of antibiotics. Physician’s note is required.

Ringworm (Tinea Corporis) - Infected area must be covered while attending school.  Physician note required to return to school.

Scabies - Until the day after treatment. Physician’s note required.

Streptococcal Infection: Sore Throat, Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina - Until 24 hrs. After beginning of antibiotic therapy. Physician’s note is required.

Unexplained rash - Physician’s note is required and must state that the child is able to return to school.

Administration Regulations

Please notify the school and school nurse if your child is absent due to a serious illness or communicable disease. A physician’s note may be required for a student who has recovered from a communicable disease and is returning to school. The student must be seen by the school nurse before a final determination is made.

The exclusion times listed below are the minimum days a child should remain out of school for a particular illness.  The school will honor the private physician’s recommendation for additional exclusion days.

Please refer below for communicable diseases.

Emergency Contact Information

We ask that parents/guardians keep the students health and emergency information up-to-date so that we can contact someone should the need arise.

Excuses from Physical Education Class

In most cases, students who are well enough to be in school are expected to participate in all classes including physical education.  A temporary exclusion requires that a written note from home be given to the school nurse.    The note should specify the reason for the exclusion and is valid for no more than 3 days.  The student will remain in the physical education class, but not participate.  Beyond 3 days, a written note from a physician is required. 

Written notes by the physician should include a general explanation and the date the student will be reevaluated or is able to return to full participation in physical education class.  Students should present their doctor’s note to the nurse at the assigned physical education period and he/she will not participate in physical education for the duration of their exclusion.

Health Office Contact Information

Edison Intermediate School

(908) 789-4470, option 2

Roosevelt Intermediate School

(908) 789-4577

The nurse is present from 8:00 am to 3:15 pm.  Students who become ill during the school day, should report to the nurse with a pass from their classroom teacher.    The nurse will determine if the student needs to go home and will contact the parent or designee  when necessary.  Students may not text or call a parent to pick them up prior to being seen by the nurse.  An injury occurring during school hours should be reported to the nurse, teacher, or office.  Students requiring crutches, for safety reasons, need to submit a doctor's note and will then have a buddy assigned to escort the injured student in the building.

Health Policies


State law and board of education policy prohibits students from taking any medication on their own.  Students with the required documentation may carry and use inhalers.  Otherwise, only the school nurse is authorized to give any medication over-the-counter as well as prescription.  Should any child require medication, the required documentation must be completed by the pediatrician and brought to the nurse in its original labeled bottle.  The parent/guardian must deliver the medication directly to the school nurse.  This will be necessary for all refills throughout the year.  Students may not carry medication on their person in school.  If a child is to receive a controlled medication such as Ritalin, Adderall, or Cylertl – the number of pills received from the parent will be counted and logged on the child’s medication record at the time the pills are delivered.  When medications are changed or discontinued, parents must pick them up from the Health Office.

Student Medical Examinations

If a student does not have a medical home (personal health provider), the district will arrange an appointment upon a parent’s written request.

The New Jersey State Department and health care professionals in the district strongly encourage parents to continue to schedule routine medical examinations at least once during each developmental stage: early childhood (pre-K to 3), preadolescent (4 to 6) and adolescent (7 to 12).

Students on Interscholastic Athletic Teams:  A physical exam is required yearly and must be completed on the approved district form and filed prior to the start of the season.

Pure-Tone Audiometer (hearing) tests are given to:

Vision Screening is conducted biennially as follows:

Height, weight and blood pressure annually for K thru 12th grade. (Only for students who have not had an annual physical exam)

Tuberculosis skin testing —New Jersey state law requires use of the Mantoux Intradermal Tuberculin Test as the test for tuberculin infection. This test will be administered to students from another country based on guidelines established by the New Jersey State Department of Health.

Scoliosis screening of students in grades 5-12 will be conducted every other year. Since scoliosis screening is also a part of the physical examination, those students receiving physicals will not be screened again during the school year. Any parent or guardian wishing to be present during the scoliosis screening should contact the school nurse. A pupil may be exempt from this examination if the parent or guardian makes this request in writing to the school nurse.

Medication, as far as possible, should be administered at home. When absolutely imperative, over the counter and prescription medication will only be administered by the school nurse upon a written request from the parent/ guardian, and written orders of the student’s private physician stating the diagnosis, name of drug, dosage, frequency of administration, and duration. The medication must be provided in the original container labeled with all Identifying information: student name, a recent date, name of drug, directions for administration, and physician's name. The medication container label must match the Physician’s orders.