Building Use


The bathrooms open for student use are: 

- First-floor boys’ bathroom, entrance across from Room 121 

- Second-floor girls’ bathroom, entrance next to room 222 

- First-floor boys’ and girls’ bathrooms in math wing 

- Second-floor boys’ and girls’ bathrooms in world language wing 

- Second-floor boys’ and girls’ bathrooms in science wing

- First-floor unisex bathroom, entrance across from Office A 

Students must scan in to bathrooms using their ID cards. Students who are found to have defaced bathrooms though graffiti or vandalism will be subject to strict and swift consequences. 

Caring for School Property 

Students are responsible for the proper care of all books, supplies and furniture supplied by the school and should not mark school furniture, walls, ceiling, floor or equipment with pen, pencil, paint or any other instrument. Tampering with the fire alarms, fire extinguishers or any electrical systems is strictly prohibited. Pursuant to the Board Policy on Vandalism, anyone who willfully destroys school property through vandalism, arson or larceny, or who creates a hazard to the safety of our students will be referred to the proper law enforcement agency. Students who disfigure property, break windows or do other damage to school property or equipment will be required to pay for the damage done and/or replace the item. Students who vandalize are subject to suspension. 

Policy 5513 Care of School Property (M)


Elevators are available for students who, because of an injury and/or illness, are not able to use the stairways. To obtain permission for elevator use, the following rules and regulations must be followed: 

1. Students must present a note from a physician or parent/guardian stating the reason for elevator use, and the length of time it will be required. 

2. The physician or parent/guardian’s note and length of elevator access time will be verified by Health Services. 

3. Health Services will issue an authorization pass featuring the student’s name and effective date for using the elevator. 

Food & Beverages 

Eating and drinking is confined to Cafeteria A and B, the Student Center, and the Nelson Courtyard. The only exception to this rule is during lunch periods when certain students may carry food to a classroom because they have no lunch period or a lunch lab and have been given permission to eat in a classroom. If food is eaten on a classroom desk, that desk must be cleaned thoroughly, for sanitary reasons and to protect peers from possible food allergies. 

Food or drink may not be eaten in the halls. Any inappropriate food item or food in the hall at an inappropriate time should be put away or thrown out. If a student refuses to cooperate or is a repeat offender, the student will be considered insubordinate and subject to discipline. Food delivery services create a large disruption and are not allowed for our student population. 

In designated eating spaces, students are expected to keep tables, chairs, and floors clean, and to empty all trash and recycling in designated receptacles. Students are expected to push chairs back after eating, and pick up any food that is dropped or spilled. Students are expected to talk in a normal voice, remain orderly in cafeteria lines, and eat all food at their tables.

Hallways & Gathering Spots 

Free flow in certain hallways is a privilege that allows students to have either complete or limited access to hallways for the purpose of moving from one location within the school to another. This policy does not permit students to congregate in the halls during their lunch and free periods. Students may gather during lunch and free periods in the following locations: 

● Cafeteria B 

● Cafeteria A 

● Student Center 

● Nelson Courtyard (weather permitting) 

● Library and Resource Centers – for academic work only, subject to library and resource center availability 

● Quiet Study in Multi-Purpose Room – also for academic work only, also subject to MPR availability

The Zen Den, Room 218, is available for students and staff to gather for relaxing and decompressing.  Available periods will be posted after the start of the school year.

During Period 9, Cafeteria B and the Library are available for students.  Students are not to gather in the hallways during Period 9.

The Auditorium is not open for students during off-periods; it is used for classes assigned to the space and when more than one class needs observation from the same substitute teacher.


The Robert L. Foose Memorial Library at Westfield High School provides services and materials to support the curriculum, help broaden knowledge, and develop critical-thinking skills for all members of the school community. The library media center has an automated catalog and circulation system as well as many research databases. It also contains print and audio-visual collections and participates in interlibrary loan services. 

The library is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students are responsible for the materials they borrow, fines they owe, and are expected to respect staff and peers in abiding by the policies of the center and maintaining an environment that is conducive to learning. 

Open Lunch 

Eligible 11th- and 12th-graders can leave the campus for lunch; this is commonly known as the district’s Open Lunch Policy. The open lunch code of conduct features the following guidelines: 

1. Juniors and seniors will leave campus only during the assigned lunch periods; 

2. Students will return punctually to class after the assigned lunch period through the designated doorways; 

3. Students will demonstrate respect for classes in session by not making a disturbance when leaving or returning from lunch; 

4. Students will present student ID cards when leaving and upon re-entry to school and will be prepared to show their ID card at any time; 

5. Students will demonstrate good citizenship by not loitering or littering while off school grounds; 

6. Students will obey all state laws governing the safe operation of an automobile; 

7. Students will not transport or promote the leaving of school grounds by ninth- or tenth-graders; 

8. Students will not engage in any behavior that is harmful to themselves or others,

and will adhere to the Code of Conduct. 

Revocation of Open Lunch Privilege 

Students in Grades 9 and 10 who violate the Open Lunch Policy will receive severe consequences, and they may jeopardize their ability to take part in Open Lunch during grades 11 and 12. 

Students in Grades 11 and 12 who violate the Open Lunch Policy will receive the following consequences: 

- For the first violation, students will be restricted during lunch period and all free periods for 10 school days and will receive a Saturday detention. Parents will be contacted. 

- For the second violation, the penalty above will be doubled. Parents will be contacted. 

- For the third violation, the pupil will lose Open Lunch privileges for the remainder of the school year, plus a two-day, out-of-school suspension for willful disobedience. Parents will be contacted. 

- For subsequent violations, juniors will lose Open Lunch privileges in their senior year. Both juniors and seniors may face additional suspension for willful 


All Pupils: 

- There will be an automatic and permanent revocation of Open Lunch privileges for one year from the time of the infraction for any pupil returning to school in possession of, or under the influence of, alcohol or controlled substances. Students in grades 9 and 10 will forfeit the Open Lunch privilege in their junior and senior years. 

- Students in grades 10 and 11 who have outstanding detention hours and do not serve such hours by the designated deadline, announced during each school year, will forfeit the Open Lunch privilege during the following school year.


Westfield High School has a limited number of parking spots available for students in the main parking lot. Spaces are located behind the high school up against the field in row E, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students who park in the main parking lot may not move their cars until the end of their school day and may not move their cars for Open Lunch. All students are expected to utilize the designated traffic patterns in the main parking lot. Students may only enter the main parking lot to search for a spot in the student section before the school day begins. Student drivers may not park in the Armory lot due to National Guard regulations. Any student who violates parking regulations or who drives too quickly in the parking lot will have their privileges revoked and will receive appropriate discipline. 

Reserving Building Spaces 

Students who wish to reserve a space for club or after-school meetings must complete paperwork that is available in the WHS main office. 

Resource Centers 

Westfield High School offers resource centers in the major academic areas of English and Mathematics. Instructors are available in the resource centers to provide assistance during certain periods of the school day.  All students are urged to utilize the resource centers during their unassigned periods to improve their skills and reinforce their knowledge in various disciplines.  The English Resource Center is available by appointment and is located in the WHS Library.  The Math Resource Center is located in Room 160.


All visitors to the school must have a reservation that is documented on the school’s visitors list at least 24 hours in advance of the visit. All visitors must report to the main office, sign the visitor log and wear an identification badge. The visitor must return to the main office at the conclusion of the visit, sign out on the visitor log and return the ID badge to the office staff. No student guests are permitted into the school. Any exceptions must be cleared by the school principal.