Board of Education

Westfield Board of Education

Sonal Patel, Board President

Robert Benacchio, Vice President

Sahar Aziz

Kent Diamond

Brendan Galligan

Charles Gelinas

Leila Morrelli

Kristen Sonnek-Schmelz

Mary Wickens

Board of Education Liaisons

Lincoln Early Childhood Center

Leila Morrelli 

Franklin School

Robert Benacchio & 

Kent Diamond

Tamaques School

Brendan Galligan & 

Sonal Patel

Jefferson School

Leila Morrelli & 

Mary Wickens

Washington School

Kristen Sonnek-Schmelz & 

Kent Diamond

McKinley School

Charles Gelinas

Brendan Galligan

Wilson School

Mary Wickens & 

Kristen Sonnek-Schmelz

Board of Education Meetings

The Board of Education holds regular meetings. Private Sessions, which are not open to the public, are scheduled as needed and according to the “Sunshine Law.” The Westfield Board of Education meeting dates are available on the Board of Education section of the Westfield School District website .

All Board business and voting on agenda items are conducted at regular or special meetings and are open to public observation. Time is allotted for public input. Meeting agendas are available via a QR Code at the entrance to the Board of Education meeting   room. The agendas are also available online the Friday preceding each meeting on the Board section of the district website  The Board meetings are live streamed / recorded, and available for viewing on the Board section of the district website.  A synopsis of each meeting is also posted on the district website.

Board of Education Policies

All Board of Education policies can be found on the Board section of the district website.  Specific policies and other documents for parent review are shared in the electronic Back-to-School packet, which is emailed each August and are posted under “Family Resources” on the district website.   Please click HERE to go to Board of Education policy section of the district website.