Code of Conduct

Cell Phones 

Students are permitted to use cell phones for recreational purposes (with the exception of phone calls) during free periods in the cafeterias, Student Center, or Nelson Courtyard. Students may not text, make or receive calls while in hallways, offices or bathrooms. In classrooms, students may use cell phones for educational purposes and only with teacher permission. If required, students must place cell phones in classroom phone caddies. If phones are being used for music, students must have one ear free in hallways and classrooms. If students are found to violate these regulations, the phone will be confiscated and will be released to the student at the end of the day in Office A. If a student’s phone is confiscated in this manner more than once, a parent must pick it up after school and detention hours will be assigned. 

Policy 5516 Use of Electronic Communication and Recording Devices (ECRD) (M).

Code of Conduct 

The district’s Student Discipline & Code of Conduct policy and regulations are both important for students to read and follow. Staff can send or bring students to Office A for disciplinary purposes at any time. As administrators determine the levels of infractions and interventions, they use the chart included in the district regulations as a guide. 

In some disciplinary cases with lower-level infractions, teachers may assign central detention hours to students individually. In addition, some teachers may wish to assign a “teacher detention” for certain infractions, in which the student serves detention directly with the teacher.

In more severe or repeated offenses, school privileges including ability to participate in certain school events, activities and extra-curriculars may be revoked.

The district’s policy on Substance Abuse may be consulted in conjunction with the Code of Conduct. This policy states that “any educational staff member or other professional to whom it appears that a pupil may be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs … shall report the matter,” in this case to the health office and administration right away. Whenever a staff member suspects that a student may be under the influence, the school automatically sends that student with a parent or guardian for outside testing.

Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying 

The Westfield Public School District takes very seriously the safety and well-being of our students and staff. In addition to the ongoing efforts of each of our ten schools and administration to guide and protect our students, the following resources are being made available to parents as we join together in safeguarding our children and providing a supportive environment that fosters good conduct and learning. 

For more information, access the Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying Prevention site on the Westfield Public Schools website.


Students who are assigned to central detention will report to Room 192 for after-school detention, which is offered between 2-3:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Students who are assigned to Saturday detention will report to Room 119 from 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Students are not permitted into Saturday detention if they arrive after 8:15.

Students with unserved detention hours will forfeit participation in extracurricular activities, including: athletics programs; extracurricular clubs; evening school events; prom; and graduation.   

Student Dress Code 

When it comes to expectations on student dress code, students are asked to remember that this is a place of learning, first and foremost. Students dressed with clothing that features words and images inappropriate for a place of learning will be sent to Office A. The high school supports student expression unless that expression becomes disruptive to the learning environment. The district’s dress and grooming policy elaborates further.