Physical Education

Marianna Porcello

Physical Education at Killington Elementary School

Marianna Porcello

The goal of Physical Education is to develop physically literate individuals who have an understanding and passion for lifelong physical activity. The Physical Education curriculum focuses on developmentally appropriate activities that are enjoyable for all students. My goal is to help students develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes and confidence through a variety of games and activities.

In Physical Education students will have the opportunity to practice many sport related skills, as well as a variety of other movement activities. Some units include basketball, circus skills, cardio drumming, dance, soccer, frisbee, and jump roping. Students will learn about health related fitness components and skill related fitness components, and how they connect to each lesson and activity. Throughout the year students will learn about many of the ways people can be physically active while continuing to develop their respect for each other, teamwork skills, and confidence.

During class, students are expected to follow the STAR rules. STAR stands for safety, teamwork, attitude, and respect. These four rules are the foundation for a successful Physical Education class. Students are also expected to wear sneakers to Physical Education, and bringing a water bottle is recommended.

I look forward to an awesome year full of physical activity!