4th Grade

Smith Donelon

In fourth grade we are busy all year reading, writing, and exploring math, science and social studies.

Reading - Fourth grade students read a variety of books. Reading units focus on reading both fiction and nonfiction texts. Students have opportunities to write about and discuss their books with partners and in student-led literature circle, This gives them the opportunity to develop comprehension and thinking skills. 

Writing - Students practice writing essays on a variety of topics. 

Math - Students study math using the "Investigations" program. They also practice math skills using the online program, DreamBox.

Social Studies - Most of the fourth grade year is spent studying Vermont. Students learn about Vermont's history and geography. They participate in maple sugaring in the early spring and learn about the science and history of sugaring in Vermont.

Science - Fourth grade students study Earth's changes, waves and energy, and structures and functions of plants and animals.

Technology - Students will use individual laptops as KES. Some of the programs they will use include Prezi, Google Docs, and Google Earth. They will create Power Point presentations, PodCasts, and iMovies.  They will also work on their keyboarding skills using Type to Learn