Teacher Resources

Welcome Teachers!

You will find several resources that will help you educate our amazing Waterford Junior High School Students!

Ted Talks to Consider

Every Student Needs a Champion

Mental Health Days

Lead Fearlessly, Love Hard

Effects of Trauma

Why SEL in the Classroom?


Why should I do it:

  • Improves student accountability

  • Increases structure

  • Improves student behavior and academics when other interventions have failed

  • Provides feedback and adult support on a daily basis

  • Improves and establishes daily home/school communication and collaboration

  • Improves student organization, motivation, incentive, and reward

  • Helps students to self-monitor and correct

  • Internalizes success and accomplishment of goals

  • Students get involved and excited about the program, enjoying the structure, support, and incentives of the intervention

  • Leads to maintenance-free responsible behaviors, habits, and effort

The QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention is a brief educational program designed to teach "gatekeepers"--those who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide (e.g., parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, caseworkers, police officers) -- the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to respond by following three steps: Question the individual's desire or intent regarding suicide Persuade the person to seek and accept help Refer the person to appropriate resources

A conversation can be life-changing. For many people, feeling supported is just what they need.

And in this time of change and uncertainty, showing up for a student is more important than ever.

It can be challenging, though, to know exactly what to say when someone tells you they are stressed, having a difficult day, or are in pain or have a mental health need.

Active Minds suggests an approach that includes 3 V-A-R Steps so you’ll know what to say and do in those moments. A conversation that includes the elements of Validate-Appreciate-Refer is one that allows you to actively listen to someone you care about and help them cope. A conversation with you could make all the difference and prevent a crisis from developing later.