*Click HERE to download our Sixth Form Prospectus 2020-21 as a pdf.

At Walker Riverside Academy we recognise that Sixth Form is the next crucial step on our students’ educational journey, whether their goal is moving onto university or into work.

Out track record of ensuring progression to employment, further education, training or university is exemplary.

The jump between KS4 and KS5 is generally accepted to be the hardest jump students make in their education. This is why we have developed a comprehensive pastoral system of care and guidance that cannot be matched. Our partnership with Sir Charles Parson’s school brings a new dimension and diversity to the Academy and gives our students the opportunity to meet new people from different back grounds.

Students are expected to be ambassadors for the Academy; to apply themselves and use their independent time well. We expect our teachers to deliver high quality lessons and strive to unlock potential. Getting this mix right leads to a highly successful and enjoyable experience.