At Walker Riverside Academy we aim to provide an environment where all students feel safe and can flourish. Our pastoral system of support ensures we respond to individuals in ways which take into account their varied life experiences and particular needs. Additionally, we hold the highest aspirations for our students and endeavour to ensure they have access to a quality education that will deliver appropriate qualifications to all learners, irrespective of their level of need.

We are committed to providing an education that enables all students to make progress so that they achieve their best and effectively and successfully make the transition into the wider world. We will ensure that our students are fully equipped to pursue their ambitions in further education or the workplace. 

Our SENDCo is Mrs Ren Hart

     → NASENCO, PG Cert in SPLD Dyslexia    → In post since April 2016. 

Our Lower School (Years 7-9) SENDCo is Mrs Helen Gordon

If you have any queries regarding your child's Special Educational Needs, you can contact our SENDCos on the details below: 

→  Mrs Hart - (email) / 07775026229 (phone)

→  Mrs Gordon - (email) / 07775026226 (phone)

If your child has an SEND need and you would like a review of your child's progress, please contact Mrs Hart or Mrs Gordon on the details above. Alternatively, you can contact the Academy directly on the details found HERE

Our SENDCos will be available at all Parents' Evenings to discuss students' progress. 


Below you will find more information about the provision in place here, at Walker Riverside Academy, to ensure that our curriculum and Academy environment supports the progress of all of our students, no matter their abilities or circumstances. 

SEN and Disability Policy (Containing our Information Report) WRA 

→    Containing information on how our provision caters for students who require specialist educational support to access the curriculum; our specialist provision; SEND staffing; and how we support students with medical needs. 

Accessibility Plan WRA v1.3

→    Containing details of how our Academy building and procedures have been designed to cater for the needs of all of our students.

Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy WRA v1.1


Our Admissions Policy, regarding those with SEN is that:

"Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs (or an Education, Health and Care Plan) which names the 

school will be admitted to the school."

For information on how students are admitted to Walker Riverside Academy visit our ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS page, or contact us directly using the information on the CONTACT US page. 


A Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about what support services the local authority think will be available in their local area. Every local authority is responsible for writing a Local Offer and making sure it is available for everyone to see.

To view Walker Riverside Academy's SEND Local Offer in detail, please visit our SEND LOCAL OFFER page.

For more details on the Local Authority Local Offer please visit the Newcastle Families Information Service website HERE.

Alternatively, email: