The Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Premium was intended to give schools additional funding from the Department for Education to support our Year 7 students who did not achieve at least the national expected level in reading and/or mathematics at the end of Key Stage 2. The funding was discontinued in 2020.

The wider aims of the catch-up funding was to:

→ To increase social mobility;

→ To enable students from disadvantaged backgrounds to get to the top universities;

→ To ensure that students from all backgrounds have an equal opportunity to be successful;

→ To reduce the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving students nationally.


► For 2019-20 we received £15,981.

After reviewing and evaluating the impact of previous initiatives, the information gathered has been used to restructure and strengthen some aspects of our intervention programme for the new academic year. Funding for the current academic year will be used to support eligible students in the following ways:

→ Appointing a senior leader to support, track and monitor the progress of these students;

→ Implementing a whole school reading programme 4 days of the week where every student across the Academy actively engages in a 20-minute reading session at the start of the day;

→ Providing additional maths and English support for eligible students in registration programmes of study one morning a week with a qualified maths and English teacher;

→ Purchasing Lexia and MethodMaths software to support student numeracy and literacy skills aiding learning and progress;

→ Ensuring a continued commitment to the whole school numeracy and literacy policy across all subject areas;

→ Continue using the Accelerated Reader Program as an intervention tool to improve student engagement and support students with low reading ages; and

→ Ensure continued provision of Rise and Read facility as an intervention tool to support students with low reading ages four mornings a week.