Quora Affiliate Marketing. The Right Way By Finding The Right Questions To Answer

In this beginners guide am going to give you an in-depth tutorial on how to do Affiliate marketing on Quora step by step.

I have attached a video you could watch that summarizes the whole Idea but if you read you could get some more golden insights on how you can do the strategy better.

First things first you should know that Quora doesn’t like affiliate links on their platform and you should never post your affiliate links for any affiliate product you are promoting.

This also includes cloaked affiliate links. But you can have these links in your Profile. So this means you will have to push people to your bio or Quora Profile which is ineffective.

Which means you are going to need a landing page.

I have made tutorials in the past that show you how to make landing pages for affiliate marketing.

I have added that tutorial at the end of this article but right now let me show you how we are going to promote those affiliate links on Quora

I have added Images of Quora in a dark theme but this ensures you can you can follow along to make your work easier. Let’s get right in

What you need to get right is your profile you should be professional as possible. You can add your credentials to stand out. Add links to your socials, youtube channel, the website even affiliate links are welcome.

After you have done so we are going to move on to the next step is to find the right Quora questions to answer and get ongoing traffic each and every week.

You will want to go back to your Quora Image icon and click on it so that the drop-down menu pops up.

On this Menu, you should look for the Ads Manager. we are not going to be running any ads but we are going to use their tools to find questions we can answer and get traffic to our links.

We are going to Pretend to create a new campaign, so go ahead and click on create a new campaign.

Choose the traffic objective under the objectives section then scroll further down as shown in the images below.

After you have chosen the traffic objective then go ahead and add a random budget it doesn’t have accurate anything random.

After you have added your random budget then go ahead and click Continue in the bottom right corner to move to the next step.

Ensure the target objective is set to questions as seen above. After you have clicked that then go ahead and choose the bulk to add feature indicated as well in the image above.

This show brings up a pop-up that requires you to enter your keyword. Go ahead and enter your target keywords or if you have a popular product you want to promote enter it right there.

You can add as many keywords as you want and it will show you all the details about these keywords in terms of weekly views.

These questions are ranked depending on the number of views they get weekly with the highest at the top. You can see that in my example I used the query

“ how to lose weight”

This is amazing right!

You can literally get in front of all these people with your affiliate link in hand. All you need is to go out there and hand it to them but you have to do this the right way.

How with a landing page or a simple blog. If you don’t have a landing page then I have added the video below that you can watch to get your landing pages ready for the traffic you will be sending weekly.

Note: These questions have a huge follow number on them which means that when you answer them you will get people within a few minutes if not hours to your answers.

You need to write an awesome answer with Images and do the best you can do to stand out. You should show Quora that you are the best answer so that you don’t a notification like this.

So what Do I recommend?

I recommend you go to Blogger and create a blog that is meant to help your answers stay valuable and seem less spammy.

Be careful when answering such weight loss questions they can get your account suspended or even banned. If you link to spammy landing pages.

You should create a 3–4 page blog that talks about the topic of weight loss for example then link your answers to these questions to your blog pages as a resource. This will seem less spammy

Ensure when you link they seem natural and not clickbait.

I have made a guide in the past you can refer to on how you can use blogger to earn money, you can read that and get an idea on how even to make money with Google Adsense using Blogger.

Final Quote.

By the end of this guide, you should be able to use Quora for affiliate marketing be it with Clickbank or any other network.

Have fun.