How to Promote CPA Offers for free! Step By Step Guide.

If you are looking to learn how to promote CPA (Cost Per Action) offers for free then this is the perfect tutorial for you!

If you decide to go down the free traffic route then you are going to need a lot of clicks to convert visitors. So you should know that.

This is why you should always aim to choose a highly-converting offer that will perform even on Cold and low-quality traffic.

You should not create traffic but instead, go to where it already exists, make your way in and be part of the party…

Here is a list of the best Traffic sources to promote CPA Offers For free Without a website.

Here is a list of the best Traffic sources to promote CPA Offers For free Without a website.

  • Facebook

  • Reddit

  • Medium

  • Pinterest

  • Quora

  • Google Sites.

How to promote CPA offers on Facebook free.

You can simply join a bunch of Facebook groups that allow you to post free signup offers, using these Facebook groups you can add people as your friends then create a friend list and promote to them on your personal Profile.

With Facebook, you can get a ton of people clicking over to your CPA offer to sign up getting you paid. If you do it right!.

You can also create a Facebook fan page run some ads after you have been paid some money using Free traffic.

You can message your friends about the offers but you should be careful always to send them links to a landing page because be it a message or profile never add affiliate links because you may get your account banned or suspended depending on the intensity of the actions.

How to promote CPA offers without a website.

  1. Facebook.

Facebook is a great traffic source though it requires more time and skills like creative marketing to make it work for CPA offers.

You can join Freebie Facebook groups and share a resource website that you create on Google sites or Blogger with many Free CPA offers with your affiliate links. Ensure you don’t spam these groups.

You can also add the people interested in these offers as your friends into a Facebook friend list.

This means you can share as many of these offers with a specific friend list that is interested in free stuff.

This is the best way to do CPA marketing on Facebook because inside these groups you can get banned or removed so I recommend you don’t share links in a group you don’t own.

2. Reddit.

Reddit is the perfect home for CPA offers but you should always be careful and smart about it. You are going to need a website for this method.

You can create a free website using Google Sites or Blogger. You should create 4–5 pages of content related to your CPA offers.

Interlink across all these pages to make the page look more natural and less spammy. You should try to always let people know that the site has affiliate links so that they know.

This is being honest and ethical with your business.

Once you have a bunch of list-style articles with your offers it is time to join some freebie Subreddits.

There are so many and have many people search for free stuff at any time of the day!…

Ensure you find the best one and read all the rules of the community before you add any links. Reddit is way too tough with links so you got to be way too careful.

Follow all subreddit rules.

Once you have your link ready and you are eligible to share the link then go ahead and create a perfect Title that is Clickbaity but most times it pulls in a title or header of the page link you added.

You should always be careful that the offers you add on your pages are legit and do deliver what they promise. Some offers take the visitors through a series of pages and then disqualify them.

So always test them out to see what your visitors will go through. This helps your post to even get more exposure in the subreddit if people appreciate your resource web page.

You should always comment on others' posts to get some comment Karma in the subreddit. This helps you build some trust whenever you add your links.

Reddit is the best Traffic source but most people get banned even before they benefit from it!.

So always follow the rules and be friendly on the platform.

3. Medium

Medium is a good traffic source because it can get you huge exposure to new people get followers and build a brand in a specific category or niche.

Medium ranks very well on Google but you should ensure you are doing Medium SEO the right way. You can rank On Google using Medium in just a couple of minutes if not hours.

The best thing I always recommend to all new Medium writers is to always first read the Medium rules related to affiliate marketing and others in general.

Here is a Video demonstration of How To Rank Medium Articles on Google.

4. Pinterest.

Pinterest is the best traffic source for CPA offers because it requires less effort on your side as an affiliate.

You only need to create a business account, share a couple of pins from other creators on your profile to warm it up. Pinterest loves new pins so you should always feed it that.

You don’t need to even have Pin schedulers because all you need to is repin other people’s pins to your pins 2 times a day and add 4–8 pins daily with links to your landing pages.

Yeah a landing page, You need it. Speaking of a landing page how would you like to compare Convertkit and Aweber as your landing page software for Pinterest.

You should also do these Pinterest SEO strategies to optimize your pins for search traffic on Pinterest.

  • Create a keyword-rich profile on Pinterest. Add some keywords related to your niche.

  • Add a link to your website, landing page, or opt-in page in your Pinterest profile.

  • Create boards related to specific offers. Each offer should get a separate board. For example, create a board about free giveaways to add pins related to giveaways only.

  • Add board descriptions to your boards. This is something you should do each time you create a Pinterest board. Add some keywords and variations related to the offer you are promoting.

  • Create Pins that stand out. Add text overlays and use dark backgrounds to stand out in the search results.

  • Add Pin Titles that are relevant to the offer. Add some keywords that you can find easily using the Pinterest search bar and the Pinterest Keyword tools in the ad section.

  • Add hashtags that can be related to the offers you have or some variations to capture extra searches and get more impressions meaning more chances of clicks.

5. Quora.

Quora is an excellent traffic source because even the brand new affiliate can get some free traffic.

This means you can write answers and get people to view your opinions and what you have to offer them as a resource.

This is why you are going to need a website, not an opt-in page or a generic landing page.

With Quora, you are going to need to do more value-giving for this to work out for you long term.

This means that you should create a website with 4–5 pages as explained earlier for the Reddit traffic source.

With this method, you are required by the Quora Platform to give people a solution to their problems.

This means you can use Quora's in-built audience to get clicks to your offer. This means the search feature.

You are searching for some keywords related to your product. If it is a gift card then you can try

  • Coupons

  • Giftcards

  • Giveaways

You will see some questions being asked by people interested in your exact offer.

Literally, they are interested you just need to direct them to your resources web page or website and leave the rest to the offer.

You should always use a Quora account that is older than 2 months if you are posting your links in answers.

And thinking of posting answers, you don’t necessarily need to worry about even using the searching bar. You can use Quora itself to find questions that get a lot of weekly views and answer them for long-term traffic.

If you wondering how to find these questions in any niche then you are in the right place. This video demo shows how you can use Quora to find these questions.

  1. Google Sites.

Finally, Google sites. Yeah, you can create a google site that targets a specific keyword and add links to your specific CPA offers.

You can use a keyword research tool like these free ones here to search for related keywords to your Offers.

  • Google keyword planner

  • Answer the public.

  • Wordtracker

  • Google Autocomplete

  • Bing webmaster tools

  • Google-related search terms at the bottom of search results.

If you go for search results with low competition then you will rank easily with no doubt. This is because you are not competing with other Google sites.

You should always search if there are other Google sites targeting that specific keyword.

Use the text below in the Google search bar to prove this!

site: “add your target keyword here in quotes”

This tells Google to search for only results with that specific term hosted on the google sites domain.

You can also use Google sites for lead Generation on your landing pages. To make this work as well you will need low competition search phrases for easy rankings.

With Google Sites, you will need to do some simple SEO.

Here is the basic Google Sites SEO you should understand.

  • Add the target keyword in the page name

  • Add the target keyword in the title.

  • Add your target keyword in the first paragraph of your article.

  • Add the target keyword in 1–2 headings on the Google sites.

  • Add a conclusion that summarizes the topic you converted in the entire article including your target keyword.

Of course, you can watch a live video demo of Google sites Affiliate marketing and SEO below.

Google sites will rank better than a new and average WordPress website with low authority.

This is because Google wants people to use their products so they will rank them high to entice you to get your business out there using Google.

So does this mean all your articles will rank, No, of course, You should just keep going and publishing as many articles as you can for at least 3–6 months!

If one ranks and generates sales or commissions then replicate that success for your future articles.

CPA offers on ClickBank.

You can find some CPA offers on ClickBank as well. Simply type in the marketplace search bar queries like these.

  • Downloads

  • signup

  • Free

  • Trial

These will have less competition because affiliates on ClickBank only look for products on the first 3 pages because they love high-converting offers.

Ensure that in all your affiliate promotions you always read the affiliate rules and abide by FTC rules.

The best way to promote CPA offers without investment for newbies.

The best way to promote CPA offers without any investment that requires no investment is Pinterest.

You can simply create a business account, create 5–8 pins daily and add links to your landing pages which you can create with Google sites or Convertkit.

Ensure you always do Pinterest keyword research and look for keywords that people on Pinterest may be searching on the platform related to your offer.

For example, if the CPA offer you are promoting is about an X-box giveaway then you can try some keywords like

  • Free gaming setup

  • Gaming tools

  • Gaming room setup

If it is a game download or app then you can try typing keywords like these in the Pinterest search bar.

  • Free game logos

  • Free game downloads

  • Best games to play

  • Games of the year

  • Games for kids

  • Games for mothers

Hopefully, you get the Idea!…

CPA marketing for beginners Summary

CPA marketing is a form of online marketing where you as an affiliate are paid once the visitors you send to the offer complete a specific action as required by the product creator.

CPA offers can be downloads, giveaways, signups, trials, phone calls, address look-ups, and so on. These offers are can vary depending on the visitor's location.

Once the offer is accessed by a visitor outside the specific location then it redirects to an alternative offer for the specific visitor.

Final Quote

In conclusion, I believe that CPA offers are by far better for beginners because you don’t need to know any complicated copyrighting to convert visitors into buyers.

This is why you can easily make your first affiliate commissions promoting CPA offers if you target the best audience for your offer.

The offer is already optimized by the creator so all you need to worry about is creating your tracking URLs and send the traffic through this specific URL which is advanced marketing you can avoid though recommended.

That is It For CPA Marketing! Good Luck with your affiliate promotions.