How to start Affiliate Marketing For Free. Ultimate Guide.

In this ultimate guide for beginners I will show you step-by-step how to start affiliate marketing for free without having a website, no email list, no audience and no investment.

Here we go, Let’s get it.

I have attached a video version in case you may prefer to watch a video rather than read.

How to start Affiliate Marketing as a Beginner with No Money.

First and most crucial step of this process is to find an affiliate product to promote. You can find affiliate products on affiliate networks like Jvzoo, ClickBank, Warriorplus, Digistore24, Maxbounty, and even individual affiliate programs.

I recommend recurring paying affiliate programs. These can be email marketing software, landing page builders, ad spy tools and even some CPA networks.

You can also find independent affiliate programs that exist on their own. These are great because they have low competition.

Find A Reliable Traffic Source.

The best traffic source I recommend for Affiliate marketing is Search Traffic. Social media is good but I think it is not worth it in the long run.

The same amount of effort you use to grow a social media account is the same amount of effort you need to build a youtube channel or blog.

Search traffic is good because you can get on going free traffic for years. this means you only need to create the video or blog posts once then let them sit for years.

Of course you can update the blog posts to help them stay updated, rank higher, and so is the same for youtube videos.

Youtube Traffic.

Youtube is one of the best traffic sources when it comes to affiliate marketing. this is because you don’t need a website. You simply need a PC, screen recorder, phone and that is it.

You don’t even need to be on camera to make Youtube work. Infact my personal Youtube channel is in the make money online category and though it is small, I get a lot of views from browse features and search.

This brings me to the topic of ranking your Youtube videos. This is easy and I won’t waste much time on it here so I recommend you read my Jvzoo affiliate marketing tutorial.

You will learn how I make money on Google and Youtube by just ranking your content. No black hat stuff all ethical stuff.

Here is a brief breakdown of the entire process.

  • Find a new product that is getting launched

  • Request for your affiliate link

  • Get review access from the Vendor (contact them via Skype or Facebook) or on the Jv page for dome launches

  • Record your screen as you explain how to use the product and use your phone as a microphone. For better audio.

  • Write a proper description, Title and add tags related to the product.

  • Publish and move on to the next launch. Strive to review 3–4 products each week.

Once again the Jvzoo affiliate marketing tutorial linked to above explains all this in detail.

Google Search Traffic.

If you ever feel lazy to make a video or you are an introvert similar to most entrepreneurs or affiliates then write blog articles. You can start for free and this is the exact way most affiliates start.

You can use Google sites for this method. Google sites will rank far better than your ordinary website.

So how do you rank your Google sites in Google search?


Here is a breakdown on what you should do and ensure you implement this each step of the way.

  • Add your Keywords in the page name

  • Add your keywords in the title of your Google site

  • Add the keywords in the first paragraph and conclusion.

  • Add the keywords along with other variations in the article itself

  • Add an image and attach the Alt text with the keyword itself.

Anything more than this is keyword stuffing and your articles won’t rank.

Never write articles shorter than 1000 words. Ensure you cover the topics or review the products in detail.

Never lie in your reviews. If the product is spammy never sign up for it. In fact never waste your time reviewing it because people won’t buy it.

always promote helpful products that are worth it. Ensure you always take the time to checkout the products you sign up for. As time goes on you will start to notice spammy products, and Vendors as well.

This is the overall reason why I only promote big launches because those vendors never disappoint or make spammy products.

You can also submit or attach your google site to google analytics and search console to help you track the performance of your google sites and its rankings as well as help them get noticed by Google.

Most people hit publish and pray for Google to find their site and hopefully rank it.

You don’t have to even worry about getting backlinks as these are low competition keywords.

You can rank even if you are the first one to create content about that keyword or topic.

Google sites rank and their are many people making money online using this exact method. You just need to be consistent and keep writing articles each day.

I recommend the evergreen method that I cover later during the scaling process because you can even rank for harder keywords using Google sites.

If you want more help on ranking Google sites then you are in the right place

I have covered this exact method in my Warriorplus tutorial For beginners and this has some secret hacks you can use to really make money with affiliate marketing starting today.

Warriorplus Affiliate marketing Tutorial.

Scaling Up.

When making money with free traffic, It will take time and not all your articles or videos will rank. This is why I figured out a brand new evergreen method you can use to make money with affiliate product for free.

Introducing the Evergreen method.

This is the best way to make money with any affiliate network or product. Here is how you do it.

  • Find an affiliate product you want to promote

  • Get your affiliate link

  • Find out what problem the product you have solves.

  • Then make content that solves that problem while linking to your affiliate product as a solution.

This will make a difference between making everyday sales to make a few each day.

Ensure you add bonuses to your reviews and even the articles you write to encourage people to buy through your link.

The evergreen method can really start to make you huge amounts of money. Once you have started to make some decent amount of money then I recommend you don’t waste it.

Instead reinvest it back in the business you have going now.

How simple Here is an idea.

You can run some ads to your most converting articles or pages. These are pages that are making you many sales on a daily or weekly basis.

You can run search ads for low competition keywords and you can find these easily using the Google keyword planner tool.

These are keywords related to your search phrase and have some buyer intent behind them.

If you have a video and it is making you more sales then you simply just have to run Youtube ads to that very video. This means your video will be video ad itself .

Hopefully you have seen people do this method. This is because those videos were profitable on free traffic so they decide to scale up with paid traffic.

You can also benefit in this in a number of ways in that incase people don’t buy they can join your email list, subscribe to your channel or engage with your video which even helps to bring down the cost per view.

Final Quote

I have literally just explained in detail how you can make money online for free using affiliate marketing then scale with paid ads from the commissions you generate.

All you need to do is to take action and you should be on your way.

Good luck. If you are interested in more traffic generation methods then here is a reddit traffic generation trick you might find helpful