Life Path number 1

What is Life Path Number 1?

The Life Path number, also referred to as the “destiny number,” is that the number that results from the numerological reduction of your date of birth. It offers insight about the core of your personality, and can also offer you a greater understanding of the pathway to success in your life.

If your Life Path number is 1, you're a tough worker, a fanatical leader, and – at an equivalent time – an ingenious and artistic soul. It’s not always a mixture that folks expect, but it’s the mixture of your diligence and your creativity that cause you to likely to achieve life.

Life Path, or destiny no 1 is that the path of the good pioneer, and you permit nothing to face between yourself and your goals (which are generally pretty lofty). you're extremely driven, often working long hours or throwing tons of additional effort into any project you deem deserve your attention.

You’re a natural at working for yourself, which is why many number ones are drawn to entrepreneurial activities or freelance work. It’s the right combination of self-motivation and freedom from having a boss breathing down your neck.

You’re a really thinker , and great at the type of heuristic that has people smacking their foreheads and saying “why didn’t i feel of that?” This causes you to an outstanding leader altogether kinds of ventures. You march to the beat of your own drum, and aren't afraid to boldly go where no other number has gone before.