How to get Free Traffic For Affiliate Marketing. Best Free Traffic Sources.

In this guide, You will learn how to get free traffic for Affiliate Marketing. Yes, that is right Free Traffic. Some of these methods will require consistency while others are evergreen and it is what I recommend you do.

Find an evergreen method from those I am going to explain below then try it for 60 days non-stop. The traffic will build up then it becomes passive.

With that said Let’s get It! These are the best free traffic sources for affiliate marketing, email list building, CPA offers and even spreading brand awareness.

1. Medium.

Medium is a good traffic source that most people spam and never get the best of its huge audience. Medium gets a lot of search traffic and has a high domain authority.

This means you can compete for the hardest keyword on the internet without having to own your own website. So how do you do this is.

Simple, because I have made a tutorial on how to rank your medium articles on Google and other search engines.

You can also watch an in-depth video that shows you step by step how to do affiliate marketing on Medium without having your own website.

With Medium, affiliate links are allowed but you must have a disclosure somewhere in the article that your content is sponsored and you are paid for write a post.

You can promote any affiliate product on Medium so long as you are not spamming, and you are providing value to the readers while linking to your affiliate link as a resource like other outbound links.

This means you should also link out to other important resources related to the topic you are writing about. These can be other authoritative sites in your niche or even Youtube videos.

Videos are good because they help keep the users on your content so consider making videos or add a good video in your article that is valuable to your readers.

This helps your article get more retention time and also rank higher in the searches.

You can read more about the affiliate links on Medium in the official Medium rules.

2. Pinterest.

This is a good traffic source and many niches and blogs thrive on Pinterest traffic for their overall success.

Pinterest has a good platform for all niches that cater for a female audience. This means you should have an affiliate product that women are interested in.

This can be anything from

  • Keto diet

  • Meal preparations

  • Recipes

  • Workout plans

  • Numerology

  • Home decor

  • DIY projects.

Anything that is well known to target or solve women’s needs has a home on Pinterest.

You will need to create a business profile on Pinterest, fill it out, add your website URL. If you don’t have a website you can add a link to your landing page to collect emails.

If you are building an email list or promoting an affiliate product using Pinterest then you should always be compliant to FTC rules and tell the visitors that you are an affiliate or they are getting added to your newsletter that has promotional emails.

This is your business and it is always your duty to be compliant and ethical as posssible.

If you need a step by step guide on how to promote affiliate products on Pinterest then I have a guide to help you get started and set yourself up for success.

3. Instagram.

This should be good for brand awareness and list building. You can also use it for affiliate marketing though you will need to build up trust with your followers.

Tough it is getting harder each day to grow on Instagram you should not be discouraged in any way. You can schedule your posts using the Facebook creator studio to avoid Instagram burnout.

Add hashtags to your content. If you are below 1K followers use hashtags below 100K post attached to them. Instagram will show you all these hashtags simply write them down or save them in your notepad.

With Instagram, you can easily get exposure using the new reels feature. This means that focus on creating video content which is stories, IGTV, and reels even some feed videos or photos.

If you have video content from eslse where like Youtube or Tik Tok or any other video platform you can repurpose it so that its saves you the efforts of creating new content.

Instagram is a fast pace platform and content on there is not evergreen. This means you need to be active to get the best out of the platform.

As an affiliate, we are naturally lazy and want fast results which is why I don’t recommend you use Intagram and try the other video platforms like Youtube and TikTok.

4. Quora.

When It comes to doing affiliate marketing on Quora, many people do it the wrong way. You should always find the right questions to answer and don’t spam your links.

You should only link out once in every 5 answers you write if your account is brand new. This will always help you not to set alarms for the spam filters on Quora.

With my new account I was able to get 1650 views in three days by just using the method taught in the video above. This method allows you to find questions with potential traffic.

Theses are questions that have huge interest around them nd some of these even rank on Google. You can get free traffic from Google as well to your answers.

You should have a page with detail information as a resource that you link to in your quora answers.

You can use Quora for each of the following situations;

  • Affiliate marketing

  • Brand awareness

  • Generating Blog Traffic

  • Building an email list.

  • Acquiring new clients for your business.

  • Social media growth.

  • Promoting Youtube videos.

The list is endless and all this can be done by just answering 2–5 questions a day from the list you generate using the video above.

Quora is also good if you have an affiliate blog and you are looking for some potential traffic source or keyword research.

Quora has questions that you would never find using keyword tools. All you need to do is use the search bar and enter some seed keywords in your niche.

Once you have a bunch of questions, search for them on Google to see if quora shows up alongside other forums and Reddit.

If this is the case then this means Google has no blog articles to show so go ahead and write that article add your affiliate links if it is necessary.

5. LinkedIn.

Not many people talk about LinkedIn in the affiliate marketing space. This is because they don’t understand the platform. They think it is only for people looking for jobs.

You should always understand the purpose of the platform and its goals so that you line yourself up with the alogirthm for success.

As of now this platform has the best organic reach after Tik Tok

LinkedIn is similar to Facebook. This means you should be on there posting and sharing your articles and videos.

You can join groups and in most cases they allow links better than Facebook. I like this platform because you can join as many groups in many niches and your content may get seen by people outside the group or platform.

Some articles or videos rank on Google and other search engines.

6. Youtube.

Youtube is good for newbies that don’t have time to invest in writing articles. You can make a faceless channel. With Youtube you can rank on Google For competitive keywords you couldn’t get with a WordPress blog.

WIth Youtube you only need to master two things.

  • CTR. learn how to create thumbnail. This is easy because I learnt it in a couple of days. I look up my target keyword in youtube search and look at the thumbnails of ranking videos then model after those. Use Canva Its free.

  • Audience retention. You should have good audio not robotic voices. You should at least have your voice on the video and try to add memes and transitions where the video gets boring. You can use teasers for the best part of the video to keep viewers watching.

If you master that then you will succeed in Youtube. The other things you should always do is to write up a 1000 word description using the tags of your videos.

People never write descriptions and therefore Youtube never understand who to show your video so they never get views. You should try to describe to Youtube who needs to what your video.

This is how I rank alongside big channels and even on Google. Always try to be relevant and specific as possible.

You need to add tags from the top ranking video either video 1 or video 2 for your target keyword to ensure you get that recommended traffic. This is a skill I discovered by accident.

Most of my Youtube video views comes from Recommendation, Browse features, Home and less from search. You should always use thos similar tags and add a few or delete those that don’t matter on your channel.

7. Blogger.

Bloggers is a good blogging platform that you can use to rank on Google and get free traffic. Google likes to rank their on sites and platforms to encourage people to use them.

So this means that can be you out there on the first page of Google on a money or buyer intent keyword.

You should write review articles as they are easy to rank and have low competition if the product is new. If you are among the first to write the article you will take up a spot in the top 10.

Blogger will rank if you have the proper SEO settings set up.

  • Submit a blogger sitemap to Google search console

  • Connect Google analytics

  • Add a custom theme to your blogger website.

  • Write a blog description with keywords describing your blog.

  • Add keywords in the title, first paragraph and end of the article.

  • Add a favicon and Logo

The video attached above shows you how to rank a blogger website for low competition keywords and make money using 100% free Google traffic.

I also show you a live ranking Blogger site for an affiliate review.

8. Google Sites.

Google sites are good because they rank better than WordPress sites. You can compete in the most fierce keyword rankings. Of course, you should always have long content and you should not be writing articles in the YMYL categories.

These are categories that are hard to rank for in Google. They are impacting the financial life and well being of people and these include;

  • Health related articles such as drugs, mental being, emergencies

  • Finance and Income advise and things that involves making huge financial decisions

  • Civics and government issues

  • Fitness and Nutrition. Especially food bloggers

  • Online Shopping.

I have covered Google sites affiliate marketing on my official blog which you can read and find out more on how to Rank your Google site each ndevery time you write an article.

9. Reddit.

Many People never use Reddit because they fear getting banned or some subreddits don’t allow links at all.

Then that is no problem you can still use Reddit for Brand awareness, connecting with new people in your niche and even list building.

People on Reddit hate spammers, and marketers who don’t provide any value to them. This means you have to be helpful and over-deliver so that people can trust you.

Reddit is good because they are few marketers using it and this means you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche and create a subreddit that is topic-based.

You can always check out the full guide on how to get free traffic from Reddit.

With Reddit you can also answer questions and link to your subreddit if it makes sense. If it doesn’t then avoid it.

You should never appear as a spammer while using these forum sites. You should always be that person that has been missing in the community.

10. Tik Tok.

Tik Tok is still underseved and this means you can get started today and get your first views today. I managed to get my first 1000 views in a couple of hours as a new user on Tik Tok.

Not many affiliates are on Tik Tok. Most are over on Instagram promoting to the same audience. Those not on Instagram are on Facebook getting banned and losing ad accounts.

This means you should utilize this chance to get out there and build a following while you can before they flood in.

Tik Tok is a numbers game. The more videos the more chances of getting discovered by new people and getting followers.

Tik Tok is wonderful because it allows new cfreators to also get exposure unlike Youtube where being a small channel you can barely get traction on your videos, and Youtube doesn’t promote the video with a poor CTR and low watch time.

With Tik Tok all videos have a chance to get in front of many viewers. No CTR and all that boring staff.

Tik Tok is evergreen as the alogrithm promotes old videos as well. This is what makes Tik Tok better than Instagram.

You can repost your videos from TikTok on other video sits like Pinterest and Youtube shorts as well.

Final Quote

By the end of this guide you should have a list of the best sources for Free Traffic For Affiliate Marketing. You can use any of the sites mentioned here and you should achieve your goal.

If you are looking to make your first affiliate sale then this is the perfect video for you. You should be able to make that sale with in 72 hours if you watch the full video.

Good luck!.