ClickBank Affiliate Marketing for Beginners in 2021.

Are you looking for the perfect ClickBank affiliate marketing tutorial 2021 — perfect for beginners without any ad budget and are looking for the best free traffic sources for unlimited buyers.

This is sort of the best free ClickBank affiliate marketing course you can read through and determine what you need to get the best out of each traffic source mentioned in this guide.

How to do affiliate marketing with ClickBank the Right way!

Having a low competition niche is the very first step in the success of all beginners. If you choose hard niches you are lengthening the period for you to see your first sale.

Choosing Your Perfect Niche!

The niches you should stay away from are business and E-marketing, health and fitness, keto, supplements, make money online, betting, gambling, and all those popular niches on Clickbank.

These niches have some products with spammy sales pages, high refund rates, and huge competition. Not meaning that they are all bad but some sales pages are just ay too spammy.

Here are some good niches on Click that are good for beginners

  • Golf

  • Basketball

  • Numerology

  • Tarot

  • Religion

  • Arts and entertainment

  • Languages

  • Plugins

  • Software

  • Gardening

  • Flowers

If you are finding low competition niches, then you are going to see success quicker.

The next step is to create a landing page.

You can use many landing page creators such as

  • Weebly

  • Mailchimp (Not friendly For Affiliates)

  • Convertkit

  • Aweber

  • WordPress

  • Blogger

  • Google sites

And so much more.

Once you have that landing page fired up and ready to go. Then you need to find the perfect traffic source for your product.

Often if the product has affiliate tools, they will tell you the best-paid traffic sources and also offer some tools such as banners, email swipes.

The banners mean you can start a free blog. By a Free Blog, we mean using sites like Blogger, Google sites, WordPress (free version)

All these rank easily on Google. this means that you can get traffic from search engines if you choose the right keywords.

Since the competition in the niche you chose is low, then you should have an easy time ranking.

You can use these free tools for keyword research.

  • Ubbersuggest


  • Google trends

  • Google keyword planner

  • Google autocomplete

  • Forums

  • Quora

  • Reddit

  • Answer the public.

Analyzing Your Competition!

This is important because you need to know who you are going up against. The more authoritative the competition is the harder it is to rank for that keyword.

To analyze the keywords you get, from all the above websites you can use the free Ahrefs keyword difficulty checker.

Once you are on there, grab the keyword and paste it into the search bar.

You should only write on keywords that meet these criteria

  • KD (Keyword Difficulty) 5 and below.

  • Have a low authoritative site in the top 3. With no Backlinks.

  • Analyze the content length ( short content under 1000 words)

If the keyword you find matches all these criteria. Congratulations you can write that article and make it the best among all the ranking one.

To sum It all Up watch the video below