Jvzoo Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners. How I made my First $33.22

If you are looking for a unique strategy to promote affiliate products then great. You landed on one. In this Jvzoo Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners, I will show you exactly how I made my first $33.21 without a website and Free traffic.

I have attached a video that proves exactly that I made that amount of money below.

Here is what you are going to need to help you succeed with this method.

You are going to need a Jvzoo Product to promote that hasn’t yet launched or is about to launch in about 7–14 days. The reason you need to work 7–14 days in advance is because these products require approval so that you can promote them.

I will show you and give you a script you can use to ensure that you get approved each time you apply to promote any affiliate product on Jvzoo and WarriorPlus as well.

You are going to need a couple of bonuses, and I will give you access to this software that generates your bonuses so that you don’t have to hustle to get bonuses each and every time you promote these products.

The Strategy we are going to be using in this promotion is a strategy that many people use and the competition is getting fierce each and every other day.

If you stick with me I will show you how you can beat the competition and take up the first spot on Google without even having a website.

How to Find the Best Launches to Promote on Muncheye

Muncheye is a launch calendar that shows you a couple of products launching in the near future arranged in dates and respective launch marketplace. The marketplace allows you the affiliate to connect with the Vendor.

The marketplace handles all the product delivery, refunds, and processing payments for the sellers and affiliates.

To find the best launches you simply need to stick to the left of the calendar. Some launches on the right can be profitable but you only go for those once you have an email list.

If you don’t have an email list then stick to the big launches because the buzz generated by huge affiliates with large email lists is enough for you to feed off and make some sales.

You can promote some launches highlighted in orange as well but sometimes, some of those don’t generate much buzz so you need to promote as many as possible.

The launches highlighted in Blue mean that the vendor is well known and his launches create a huge buzz which means many people get interested in his or her product, course, or even software.

These are the ones you should always focus on. These are the money launches. Some of these vendors approve newbies and have no problem with them but some don’t even bother.

Once you have landed on a couple of launches and checked out their joint-venture page[jv page]. and feel you like the product then go ahead and ask for your affiliate link.

Ensure you choose a non-spammy product, a helpful product, and always check for reviews about previous launches made by this Vendor. If people don’t appreciate or give positive feedback then ignore that product.

You are reliable for all products you promote, never promote bad products. Many people will take note of the spammy, bad products you promote and you will not last long in the game.

This is the reason why you should always check the product first and see if you could use it or find it helpful. If it doesn’t feel right then it is not the best product to promote.

Be honest and don’t lie about the products you are promoting. People will know you lie and this affects your reputation, increasing your refund rate on these affiliate networks.

You can use this information when requesting your affiliate link on Jvzoo or warrior plus.

Talk about your promotional methods

You can say you will be promoting their product via blog review, Youtube video, and even talk about email marketing if you have one. If you have an email list the chances of approval are really high.

The other thing you can provide is a link to your blog, youtube channel, or even website homepage. If you don’t have a blog you can create videos on Youtube without being on Camera.

You can create videos showing members area or user dashboard, or create presentation slides talking about what you like and don’t like about the product.

This is the best strategy and if you are the first to create the video targeting the product and you review it well, add bonuses, and show people the members area, you will get sales and people buying via your link.

Writing Your Review Article and Ranking it For Free Traffic.

This is the most important process and you must pay close attention right here. To rank easily and faster we are going to be using the website you have found this very article.

You guessed it Medium.

You should read the Medium Rules before publishing any article especially when it comes to affiliate links. These rules are often broken by many content writers on Medium.

You should therefore take the time and read these rules before you hit publish. I have been a victim of this before and I know ho bad it hurts especially after investing efforts in writing your content.

So how do you rank your Medium article?


You will need to add your target keyword in your title, the first 100 words of your article, 2–3 times inside the article, add variations of the same keyword in the article and some LSI keywords which you can find at the bottom of Google when you search up the keyword.

This lets Google know you are specifically targeting that keyword and they will know where exactly to rank you.

If the product is a new one then you won’t have these LSI keywords but these are some you can add that people always search along side the product launching.

  • OTOS.

  • Funnel or Upgrades.

  • Demo.

  • Members’ area.

  • User.

Another bonus tactic you can use even to rank for the featured snippet is to use the answer target tactic. This is a method where you talk about what the product you are promoting does, and how it does it in the first paragraph of your article.

You can choose to bold this so that Google knows it is an answer to the question the user types in the search bar. If you are using Medium you should rank easily if you have high-quality and in-depth content.

You should write an in-depth article that is about 2000 words to solidify your spot among the top 5 ranking articles for that keyword.

How Do I rank my Review Video on Youtube?

To rank your video you can follow these methods…

  • Add your target keyword in the title. [Product name+Review]

  • Add [] to emphasize what your videos are all about. If it is a demo video then add the word demo in the []. That is a ranking hack so use it.

  • Write your description using tags. This means you can add the tags directly in the description and craft a normal description that is keyword-rich.

  • Create a thumbnail that stands out. You can always split test your thumbnails each day of the launch to see how your CTR is affected.

This is simple as well. Since the product has very low competition this means you can take up most high spots for the tags related to the product name.

Here is an example of my review video ranking for a number of tags related to a product called Spyvio. This video still gets a couple of views weekly from these keywords which means more chances of generating sales via your affiliate link.

You can also request the vendor via their contact information on the Jv page for a review copy.

They will be more than willing to give it to you. If they don’t then go ahead and use the information provided on the Jv page plus videos of those that were able to get a review copy.

If people notice you have access to the members' area they will be more likely to watch the video or read your article. This is another way you can stand out among the crowd of affiliates.

Finally, give people bonuses…

I have added a resource you can visit on my site to help you even further if you are really serious when it comes to launch jacking.

Bonus Page Generator

You can get Bonus Dynamo through my resources page on my official blog. This software helps you create bonuses and speeds up the promotion process. All you need is your affiliate link and it will generate the bonuses according to the program you are promoting.

This is awesome as you no longer need to gather PLR products that have outdated information.

Final Quote.

By the end of this beginner Jvzoo Affiliate Marketing Tutorial, you should have the skills and tactics to use to make your first Jvzoo or affiliate sales. The methods talked about in this article can be implemented with other networks like Warriorplus, ClickBank, Shareasale, Maxbounty, and so on.

I wish you the best in all your promotions and if you feel you need more help on this method I have added a video below that explains more of everything in detail.