Combin Review

Have You Been Looking for A software to help you Automate , and grow your Instagram Account as well. Then you have come to a right article.

I will try to Help you to understand the importance , and the down side of this software as well.

Combin Review

Combin is a Tool that can help you grow and automate your posts. This tool will help you get real followers by not getting fake likes and follow strategies. There are a number of tools that will promise you followers , and likes .

This is a tool that helps you search popular posts , in regards to your brand compare hashtags and locations . this is very powerful as you can see what is working for your competitors then replicate the same. You can choose to follow the audience you have searched for or even copy hashtags .

Using The Software

To get started using Combin you need to doenload it to any version of the PC you are using whether Linux , Windows Or Even Mac

After You download the software then you Need to subscribe to their Mailing list to Get Started.


With Combin there are two pricing terms and that is the growth pricing and then the Scheduler Pricing

Growth Plans can Go up to as high as $30 a month for the business plan which is quite cheap compared to other competitors

As For the Schedule plans , you can have the business plan as high up to $21 a month which is also favourable compare to out sourcing some one on sites like Fiverr or even Up work.

Combin Business Plan

  • 1000 post searches

  • 1000 user searches

  • The ability to refresh your searches

  • Statistics and analytics

  • Unlimited daily actions.


Advanced Search

This allows you to search for posts , pages to get a better view and understanding of what is happening and what is working for your competitors as well.

You can find out the location of the audiences and engage with them to boost your growth as well.

Audience Management

Combin also features a feature that permits you to manage your audience. With the audience management feature, you'll manage your followers and therefore the accounts you follow in one tab. This tool allows you to get accounts that you simply are following that aren’t following you back.

User Search Analysis

This feature allows you to research your searches and choose the simplest accounts to interact with. you'll prefer to only interact with users who are likely to return the engagement. With the user search analysis feature you'll skip celebrity, major brand, and spam accounts. These sorts of accounts are all less likely to follow and interact together with your brand.

The user search analysis feature uses a machine learning-enhanced algorithm. This algorithm analyzes accounts with 90% accuracy.


This feature allows you to take care of control over which accounts you follow and which posts you would like to interact with. Combin is just about a manual tool so it won’t perform any action on your behalf without your permission.

Activity Statistics

The last key feature that Combin includes is that the ability to watch the likes, comments, and follows that you simply receive through the app. With the activity statistics feature, you'll keep track of your growth, and therefore the number of followers, likes, and comments you receive. this is often very useful for tracking your growth and ensuring Combin is functioning effectively.


  • You can schedule More than one comment to your groups , even your posts as well.

  • No fake followers or any fake likes . The audience Combin helps you attract is a real and engaging one.

  • Two Step Authentication so none of your login information is stored by the software.

  • Affordable compared to some other software .

  • Simple, secure set up after download.


  • Not a Cloud based software you do need to download the software to use it. This a risk to those that want to protect their computer from any form of viruses and malware.

  • Email list Issue , This can be annoying if you don't want to receive promotion emails from your provider.

  • Lacking proper support , they don't have a live chat or 24/7 support.

  • More time consuming compared to some other software which I review here. You May Like The other I review here