Affiliate Marketing on TikTok. How to Make Money on TikTok The Right Way.

If you are really interested in learning how to do Affiliate Marketing on TikTok, Then this is a great tutorial for you. I am going to go over everything you need to know to succeed as an affiliate on Tik Tok.

Tiktok is a huge platform when it comes to video and dancing. Almost 80% of all the content creators on the platform can dance. This really killed the impression of the Platform for many people who can’t dance.

Well in this article am going to explain in detail how you can start from zero to making over $100+ a day without dancing, being on camera, and even without even filming a single video.

The strategy we are going to be using is finding our niche, creating daily content, Sharing our content on another Platform (Optional). Creating a landing page/ free gift and then scaling.

The strategy we are going to be using is what is known as Affiliate marketing. This is similar to Affiliate marketing on Instagram but we are going to do it differently unlike any other creators on the Platform.

Affiliate Marketing on TikTok. The Right way.

The first thing of course is to set up your creator account. Ensure you are switching to a pro account from the start.

The analytics for your pro account takes a long time to appear so you should get in on this as early as possible.

But before we even switch to a pro account we need a niche for our account.

Most profitable TikTok niches.

Once you have your Tik Tok account ready and your hashtags down then we should focus on your niche. as affiliates on Tik Tok we should be known for something, this is why we need a niche.

Here is a list of some of the popular niches on TikTok.

  • Entertainment/Comedy.

  • Pranks.

  • Dance.

  • DIY.

  • Lifestyle.

  • Beauty/Skincare.

  • Cooking/recipes (food)

  • Pets.

  • Fashion.

  • Lifehacks

There are other niches gaining popularity on the platform and this means you still have space to join the wave of new Tik Tok creators.

These niches are Spirituality/Religion and beliefs, Magicians, Education, Internet Marketers are also in the hunt for new customers, Parenting, if you are less represented on the platform it is your time to grow.

Choose something you have fun with each day. This can be videos about your daily life, dancing, singing, your pets, or anything you love doing.

It can even be your career for example Yoga trainers, fitness workouts. This is important because you will stay motivated and content creation won’t feel like a lot of work.

If you in any niche out there that is less competitive then you have a chance to grow and sell your affiliate products.

The most important thing to do first is to always analyze your competition. If you are going to create original content then this doesn’t matter.

But if you are in a niche that is popular on Tik Tok you will need to analyze what trends are performing better on the platform so that you can also benefit.

This brings me to the topic of hashtags. You should have 5 maximum hashtags on your video to help the viewers enjoy your video without the text obstructing their view.

  • 1 line of text

  • 5 hashtags at maximum.

  • Better quality video with a good hook. This keeps people watching.

Tik Tok has emphasized in the past that hashtags help them determine where and who to show your video.

So you should try to use hashtags always.

Music used in the video can also help the performance of your video. since the app was formally called, this makes sense.

If you are a new creator I recommend you use trending songs to get your account off the ground. You can find these trending sounds on the trending page in the Tik Tok app.

You can note down your hashtags in a notepad or Google document for future reference.

Here is the criteria you should follow when finding the best TikTok hashtags for your content.

Using broad hashtags, niche, and specific sub-niche hashtags.

Broad hashtags generalize your niche. Niche tags show what audience you are referring to and the specific hashtags refer to that specific person or behavior of the person you need to get in front of.

If you are in the education niche then your broad hashtag would be education, learning, and the niche account can be a subject like Mathematics or Chemistry. The sub-niche hashtags for your account can be parabolas, algebra, equations.

Hopefully, you get the idea of how to get the best hashtags for your niche. You should apply the same idea to your TikTok account.

Content creation should never be hard because you are doing something you are good at or love.

You should have a hook to your video. This is what makes your video perform better. You can decide to stand out against your competition by creating specific content different from the rest.

If you can create animation instead of being the real person on the Camera then great you are already different. You have already stood out from the sea of creators.

How To Get Free Traffic For Affiliate Marketing.

You should post 2–3 times a day. This can be the prime time of your account.

The Prime Time on TikTok is the time when a large portion of your followers is active on the platform.

This means you can get content out there at this time for maximum engagement and better performance of the videos.

In other situations people like to post content on TikTok after 4:00 pm in the evening because most TikTok users are active, getting off work and scrolling to catch up with new content on the For You Page.

Of course, time zones may vary but It still remains the same. Always experiment and see till you get that sweet spot.

Creating Landing pages For TikTok Affiliate Marketing.

After you have reached your first 1,000 followers you unlock extra features which includes the website link feature. This means we are going to need a landing page link.

Many affiliates always want to direct links. This should never be your primary goal of using TikTok. You may get your account banned or even suspended for some time.

TikTok always updates its terms of use and policies. You should always have a landing page rather than a link to an affiliate product.

When you try to exit TikTok via a link, The user is asked if they really want to so ensure your landing page is the best you can create.

The landing page just needs to be simple pages to warm up the visitor before seeing the actual product. So You should always keep that open-loop going.

The more open loops you can create the better because the visitor will be more willing to keep clicking to close the loop.

Here is a video you can watch on how to create a better, highly converting, and simple landing page.

If you are not sure which email autoresponder to use then you can compare ConvertKit and Aweber.

This landing page should match your brand. Here other things you can try to help your landers even convert better.

  • Keep it simple and create an Open-loop. Teaser about the capabilities of the product.

  • Add an Image of you, or your service, or your affiliate product.

  • You can offer a lead magnet for your visitors to help your landing page convert better and even build an email list of Loyal fans interested in your offers.

  • Give or promise them a bonus if they take an action such as purchasing your product, joining your mailing list.

After you have your landing page ready then we are going to move on to the next step and this can be scaling.

Scaling Up With TikTok Ads.

By the end of a year, you should have an audience and you reaching the 1,000 followers mark is easier with TikTok than on Instagram.

This means you should achieve it quicker than normal.

Once you have an audience you can decide to run some TikTok ads. If you compare the TikTok ads to Facebook ads or Instagram you will realize that you have been missing out on cheap traffic.

You can use TikTok ads to grow your brand and business.

They are affordable you don’t need a huge budget and this means you should come up with the best video to get people hyped up about the ability of your product.

This also means that you can market to your audience on TikTok to start with. This is very similar to running Youtube ads on Your Youtube Channel.

You are getting paid your money back while getting cheap warm traffic.

TikTok ads can also be run by individuals not only businesses so you should get it on this as early as possible before the price goes up.

TikTok ads are similar to other ad platforms like;

  • Reddit ads.

  • Tumblr ads.

  • Mobile Push Notification ads.

  • Quora ads.

  • Pinterest ads.

This is because they have a low CPC (low cost per click) with pretty high impressions. With Pinterest ads, you can get up to 1500 impressions for just $5 and this means if your landing page is a good one then your CTR goes up and this lowers the CPC even more.

So this means you should be testing as many video creatives as possible. You should try to target mobile traffic on TikTok because most people watch these videos on their phones.

Of course, if the offer says desktop converts best then create a separate creative for that type of traffic and see how it performs for at least 48–72 hours.

Your average CTR (Click Through Rate) on your Video to the landing page should be at least 8% and above. This is the start of a profitable TikTok video ad.

Final Quote

By the end of this guide you should be able to do ethical and non-spammy affiliate marketing on TikTok both with free and paid TikTok ads.

So go on and try out the step in this tutorial for your future success. I guarantee your journey will be a great one. If you need another way to do affiliate marketing on TikTok with even better and more analytical tactics, This video is the perfect one for you.