Current tasks

William de Yaxley

The YCV team have been planting native trees at the school for the children, staff, visitors & local community to enjoy & greatly benefit the local environment & wildlife!

 Amongst others we planted Prunus padus (bird cherry) a small native cherry that should suit the position. Not only does it have beautiful bunches of flowers but it has small dark fruits which are much loved by birds

Willow Pond Puddling

The willow pond on the Rec has been puddled to assist its ability to retain water throughout the year & help provide an improved habitat for local wildlife

The Orchard

The planting of 80 fruit & nut trees.  The Parish Council provided the land in the bottom SW corner of Middletons Recreation Ground.  We had grants of £2500 from HDC Community Chest & £2000 from the CO-OP.  We started work in November 2019 when we installed a chestnut paling fence and gate. We planted 60 trees on 6th December.  There was 1-2 ft of hardcore just below the turf & had to get a digger in to break through it. We removed barrow loads of rubble to the side of the site. 

The project is hoped to supply produce to many deserving causes such as Stronger Together a homeless project in Peterborough to the Community Fridge & others.

We hope that the site will be a haven for wildlife such as frogs from the nearby pond & will be managed for wildlife as a meadow with wild flowers.

Recent additions to the orchard site include

A wonderful insect habitat has been recently built from otherwise waste materials. 

A snake habitat 

Various bird boxes

A small pond

Owl & Bird Box Installation

New homes for Owls & birds have been installed & existing homes cleaned & repaired

We have undertaken a bird box mapping project to allow all boxes to be pinpointed along with condition & maintenance data 

Mere View

We planted Mere View Wood between 1985 -1993.  Trees were supplied by Huntingdon District Council.  

In  2020 during February we  created a  woodland path from Gt Drove through to Mere View.

In 2021 a number of work parties carried out ongoing access maintenance & new exit was created for the path leading to a more practical walking route