21st Jan 2022

YCV Post Friday 21st/22nd January 2022 

Laying A Wood Chip Path
Inspecting The New Seat In The Bird Hide
Planting Rhubarb! Yaxley Festival 

Reg decided that the public footpath leading to the Ovey was far too muddy and slippery; in fact, we honestly thought that Nigel was auditioning for Strictly Come Dancing! How he managed to stay upright, on that path, we do not know! So Reg asked Yaxley Parish Council if we could use some of their lovely wood chip to cover the muddy path and they kindly said yes. The smell of freshly wood chipped Christmas trees was gorgeous as we loaded our wheel barrows and travelled in convoy over the road to the footpath back and forth several times, much to the amusement of several passers-by! 

As that didn’t take very long, we all had a lovely walk to the beautiful Burgess Bird Hide (very kindly and superbly built by two engineers from R B Organics, Jacek and Wojciech). Reg had skilfully built a beautiful wooden bench with a foot rest for the bird hide and Nigel helped Reg carry and assemble it inside. Here we have the lovely Jessie in her Red Riding Hood coat, modelling the new seat; binoculars in hand and sporting the latest gorgeous Norwegian head warmer, complete with fur (fake of course) and plaits! Did we see any birds? Only one! A Coot! We were too noisy of course, but we all had great fun! 

The Saturday Team “Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb” 

Matt and May had very kindly dug up and split some of the rhubarb on their allotment and so on Saturday, the two of them together with Reg replanted the split crowns in the Community Fruit Orchard. Matt and May were far too young to understand why Reg kept repeating the words “rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb!” 

A Date For Your Diary Yaxley Festival May 13th – 15th 2022 

If you are new to Yaxley, here is a link for you find out more about our local festival held in the Rec. https://yaxleyfestival.info 

A Message From Our Secretary Grahame 

Yaxley Festival 13th-15th May 2022 Yaxley Festival is back this year. This is a good opportunity for us to explain who we are and what we do in the local community, recruit and raise funds. We have been in touch with the organizers and they are keen for us to be involved. We do not know exactly the layout of the Festival as yet but running some sort of stall and perhaps opening up the orchard to visitors would be examples of what we could do. Ideas Needed Please? If you have any ideas for fund raising activities or would like to volunteer to help us at the Festival please let us know. At the moment, it is still in the initial planning phase but the more ideas the better. Grahame