Xinhai Metaverse 

Bilingual Arts


2022.11.10-辛亥元宇宙雙語藝術 in 2022臺灣教育科技展-臺北市政府教育局 @ 世貿1館


內容包括「影格動畫」、「My images」、「Travel Channel」,學生將手繪的繪畫作品,藉由iMovie、Adobet Pro、Canva等



Hello, everyonet

Welcome to Xin-Hai Metaverse Gallery

Here, you can watch the videos we've made in art, technology, and English class.

In Art class, our 1st graders made stop motion videos with their own drawings using iPad.

In art and technology class, our 6th graders made their own profiles into animation along with music.

In English class, the kids did some researches on international culture and issues. They made videos about different cultures and famous refugees.

Now, put on your headset, and enjoy the ride!
