5900 Applebutter Hill Road, Coopersburg, PA 18036



SUNDAYS AT 10:30 AM (September 4, 2022 -May 31, 2023)

EASTER Services 10:30AM April 9, 2023

SUNDAYS AT 9:30 AM (June-August)

Virtual Sunday School Starts Sept 4 (On-Site Second Sunday of the Month)

As a Lutheran congregation, our worship life is centered on proclaiming the Word through reading of Scriptures and in the weekly celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Anyone who has received the sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation (regardless of denomination) is welcome to receive communion.


God’s purpose for St. Paul’s Lutheran Blue Church is to spread the Good News of Christ’s love for all people in the Southern Lehigh community and beyond.


If you are visiting the Southern Lehigh area and are looking for a Sunday service, or if you are looking for a new church, we hope you will join us. Please introduce yourself to the Greeters at the door and they will provide you with the Sunday Bulletin and help you sign the visitor’s register. There is parking along Applebutter Hill Road. A parking lot is also located behind the church with steps leading up and around the side of the church. We look forward to meeting you. Please let the greeter know you are visiting with us.

We welcome children to actively participate in the life of our congregation. The Sunday School activity is held in person on the second Sunday each month. The children's sermon is on the third Sunday of the month.


You can contact us for more information about Blue Church by calling us at 610-965-9500. If we are away from the office, we will call you back so please leave your name and number. If you prefer to email us, please send a note to We look forward to hearing from you.

Lenten Services


Ash Wednesday , February 22 is the start of the Lenten Season

Join us during Lent for Sunday worship services at 10:30AM as we prepare for Easter.

Easter communion service will be held at 10:30AM on April 9.

You can park on Applebutter Hill Road. Additional parking is available behind the church in the parking lot off Blue Church Road. The steps will take you past the cemetery. Follow the path around the building to the front door.


5900 Applebutter Hill Road

Coopersburg, PA 18036



You are invited

"Come and See"

We have a place waiting for you at St Paul's. We invite you to worship with us this Sunday.

Pastor James R. Hammond aka "Pastor Jim" leads our worship each Sunday. He offers a children's sermon on the third Sunday of each month, often accompanied by his various (puppet) friends. Children are always welcome at every service.