5900 Applebutter Hill Road, Coopersburg, PA 18036

St Paul's Blue Church, An Evangelical Lutheran Church

Our Community

St. Paul's is a multi-generational congregation serving the greater Coopersburg area. Members generously offer their time and gifts to serve the communities where we live and work in response to God's abundance given to us. Lutherans refer to this as God's Work Our Hands. You can learn about our outreach on this page in the Ministries tab.

Music is integral to Lutheran worship. Each Sunday we offer praise through our hymns and choir anthems. Our worship follows a liturgy, actively engaging members of the congregation as part of the worship service. We share the communion meal each Sunday. St. Paul's Blue Church confesses the Triune God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In our preaching and teaching we trust the Gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. You can learn more in the Ministries tab Worship and Music pages.

We are a community that not only worships together but spends time together sharing each other's joys and comforting each other in times of sorrow. We share suppers from time to time for informal fellowship as part of our Church Life and Faith Life Together. We welcome everyone to be part of our faith family. We invite you to join us this Sunday.

The Wider Church Community

Beyond our immediate Coopersburg community, St. Paul's Blue Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), based in Chicago, Ill. The ELCA is comprised of nearly 10,000 congregations and 65 synods across the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Congregations like St Paul's are communities of faith that reach out to all people, serve all people and help our communities negotiate the complexities and questions of life with a daring confidence in God’s grace and love.

St. Paul's is part of the Northeast Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA (NEPA). St Paul's is one of the 250+ congregations, 3 synod authorized worshipping communities, 9 Mission Districts and over 119,000 people providing local ministry and witness in our communities. Through the synod, St Paul's and other Lutheran congregations partner with Bear Creek camp, Lutheran World Relief, Lutheran Disaster response, Good Shepherd Rehabilitation, Muhlenberg College and the United Lutheran Seminary among others.

St. Paul's is an active part of the Coopersburg and Lehigh Valley ecumenical community through our ministries and participation in various projects with other congregations. To learn more about our church and its history in the Lehigh Valley open the About menu drop down to Blue Church History. To learn more about what we believe as Lutherans open the menu drop down to About The Lutheran Church.