Annual Church Picnic

JOIN US June 11, 2023 AT THE PARK

Each year St Paul's holds an outdoor service in the park. Following worship, we share a meal and fellowship. The park provides activities for children and paths for walking. As you walk along the paths reflect on the wonders of God's creation. Come join us for service and enjoy God's creation. Invite friends and family.

Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour is a Lutheran tradition of gathering for fellowship and conversation. We invite you to get to know us over a cup of coffee and sweet treats.

COFFEE HOUR restarts November 20, 9:30AM-10:15

Coffee Hour will be held on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Consider sponsoring a coffee hour. Sign up sheets are posted.

Potluck Dinners

Bring a meal, share a meal. The congregation brings their favorite dish and together we share the fellowship in Christ that is part of the Lutheran faith. Come join us in an evening or afternoon of good conversation, good food and new friends.

St Paul's Fellowship Groups

Adult Fellowship

St. Paul's provides opportunities for our members and friends to gather and attend activities offered in our community.

Spring/Summer 2023- St Paul Family Night at the Iron Pigs. June 3 or June 17 based on park availability. We need 20-25 tickets for a group rate. Sign up sheet in the church Narthex.

Morning Social Fellowship

This is a new Mid-Week Fellowship group. If you are interested, join us on Wednesdays at 10AM for our meetings. Invite friends. Bring your favorite game.

Bible Study

Self directed Bible studies are available on the Faith Formation page on this website.

If you are interested in attending a Bible group, please let us know.