Ashwood Dale

Ashwood Dale

Ashwood Park

Baths and Crescent Hotel

Baths and Crescent Hotel with Turner Monument

Bowling Green


Digitally colourised photograph

Buxton College

Midland Station

LNWR Station on the left, Midland on the right

LNWR Station in the 1960s

Devonshire Dome

Devonshire Royal Hospital

Devonshire Royal Hospital

University of Derby

University of Derby

Devonshire Royal Hospital

Donkeys on Macclesfield Road, Burbage

Dukes Drive

by R. S-S

The Empire Hotel was built, strangely enough, by Spiers and Pond, a railway buffet catering company and opened in 1903.At the start of the Great war it was requisitioned by the Notts and Derbys regiment (The Sherwood Foresters) and soon after it became a military hospital for Canadian troops sent back from the front line. That was the end of it as a hotel.Shortly after it was taken over by squatters and mention of this was brought up in the Houses of Parliament as a health hazard to the people of Buxton. Sadly it was demolished in 1964

Empire Hotel and staff

Empire Hotel demolition

High Street

Military Hospital Staff, Cavendish Arcade 1918


Lee Wood Hotel

The Baths and the Palace Hotel. A line of bath chairs await customers.

Poole's Cavern

Pump Room 1919

Pump Room

Quadrant from Terrace Road 1925

Solomon's Temple

Broad Walk 1907

Broad Walk 2015



Pavillion Gardens

Waterfall 1933

The Lake - 1920s

Promenade and Concert Hall 1904

Promenade and Concert Hall

Pavillion Gardens and Kiosk

Serpentine Walks

Serpentine Walks