Comment by R. S-S 14

This is, as stated on the postcard, Barmour Clough just before you get to Dove Holes on the way from Chapel. Here is the last roundabout on the bypass scheme. The building on the far side of the road was the Clough Inn, demolished in the 1950's. It was formerly known as the Bold Hector. You can see Bennettstone Hall in the distance built by a Mr Bennett from Buxton who also built a full street in Buxton and imaginatively called it Bennett Street. The last occupier of the Hall was a Mr Gerry Adshead who died there; his remains are buried at the site of the Clough Inn.

Bennetston Hall

Bennetston Hall


Heathcote Butcher


Speedwell Cavern 1909

Winnat's Pass



Many comments have come in regarding this photograph and they all were on the same theme, the photograph is not real.

By real I mean it is not an old photograph. It was taken on the 30th May 2015 and has been altered by Photoshop. Everyone spotted certain details that gave the game away, well done to all. I have only added one comment that best explains it, but thanks to Roger Taylor and Tom Pepper who also sent comments in. The steam engine belongs to Buggyite from the forum who sent me the photograph, he doesn't own the train but he probably wishes he did.

So I hope it has not caused any problems and also no one has copied it.

Smoke, Steam and a bit of a Squeeze

A photograph taken as the four vehicles came together.

New Smithy

Princes Hotel

Princes Hotel

Princes Hotel

Princes Hotel model

Squirrel Inn

Ann Harding outside Turn Farm. Comment by Alec Brocklehurst

It was at Whitehough, Chinley. The Bypass is built on the site of the farm but if you find Eccles Terrace off Whitehough Head Lane you can see Turn meadow on Google Maps. The Farm House was below under the new road.

by Frank Lomas on the 26th June 2019

Turn Farm was my home as a child. It was my Father, John Lomas, and before him, my Grandfather, Edward Lomas who ran the farm. Alec is right, the farm was pulled down for the Chapel/ Whalley bypass. it was situated below Eccles Terrace.

Turn Farm

Harry Smith and a donkey outside Turn Farm

Turn Farm


Co-op Gala 1914

Comment by R. S-S

The Church still had its steeple in those days.The limestone house at the back was and still is I think the Vicarage complete with tennis court.





Foy's Corner

The Torrs

In the Torrs in New Mills where the hydro generator is now


Haycrust Farm