Unit 5: Motion and Newton's First and Second Law

For the quiz you will need to understand and apply the following:

  • The affects of mass on falling objects
  • The motion of falling objects (constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2 down)
  • How to solve problems for objects in free-fall (dropped or thrown upwards-finding displacement, velocity, or time)
  • Projectile Motion (if a marble rolls off a table, be able to determine where it lands)
  • Newton's First Law
  • Newton's Second Law
  • Be able to explain the motion of a projectile using Newton's first and second law
  • How to calculate weight from mass or vice versa

"I know the whole world is watching now. Sometimes you have to go pretty high to see how small you are. I'm coming home."

-Felix Baumgartner

The Data

Free Fall-Constant Force of Gravity Causing a Constant Acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s

A Small, Med, & Large Constant Net Force Causing A Small, Med, & Large Constant Acceleration on the Same Mass

A larger net force causes a larger acceleration. Or a smaller net force causes a smaller acceleration. Therefore it is implied that ZERO net force causes ZERO acceleration. Hence an object in motion...

Increasing the Mass, Decreases the Acceleration when the Net Force is the Same

More Projectile Motion.pdf

Virtual Lab Homework Assignment!!!!

Make predictions and watch the videos in the link below!!!


Newton's Second Law Worksheet Solution

Excuse the auto-correct in the title of the document

Meetings Second Law Worksheet Solutions.pdf

Review Sheet Solutions

Motion with Newton First and Second Law.pdf