Greetings Physics Fans!!!

Reverse Science Fair - Post Survey

Survey Link

Keys to Surviving Physics

1. DO your homework instead of just doing your homework.

2. Take the time to struggle. That is what we call learning.

3. Get extra help the day you need extra help as opposed to only the night (or morning) before a quiz.

4. DO and UNDERSTAND the review sheets. Don't just try and memorize the answers.

5. Learning is an ACTIVE process not a passive process. Get involved!

6. If you are confused let me know. Don't be embarrassed, chances are you're not the only one. Ask Questions!!!

7. Don't give up. Dare me to be a better teacher!!!

Reflection Questions!!!

1. What I understand well.

2. What I don't understand well.

3. How I studied that worked.

4. How I studied that didn't work.

5. What I will do the same or different next time.

6. Did I do what I said I would do last time?