Unit 10:  Work, Energy, & Power

For the Quiz Tomorrow:

Kinetic Theory of Gas Worksheet

Kinetic Theory HW.pdf

Brownian Motion

Einstien's 1905 paper on Brownian motion. This influential paper suggested not only a molelular explanation for Brownian motion but a method testing the existance of atoms based on measurable quantities such as distance and temperature! Although some of the math is a bit complicated focus on Einstein's explanations at the beginning and end of each section.

Wikipedia explanation of Brownian Motion

Annimation of Brownian Motion

Video Clip of Brownian Motion with Dust

Explanation of Einstein's Brownian Motion Paper

The Einstein Paper! (Translated into English)


Review Sheet Solutions

NOTE: There's a small error on #3. Can you find it?

Work Energy 1.pdf
Work Energy 2.pdf