Unit 5: Applications of Newton-II

This unit consisted of centripital applications of Newton's Laws

These included cars on curved roads as well as a detailed application of Newton's Universal Law of gravity.

These included both circular orbits as well as elliptical orbits.

Physics of the Hulk!!!


Derry Discussion Questions

Using specific examples from the reading discuss the following:

1. How are change and continuity a part of science?

2. Although Ptolemy's system is no longer the accepted view of the universe, was his system "unscientific" by modern standards of science? Explain.

3. Was Copernicus's system an improvement over Ptolemy's? Why?

4. In what ways have scientists' preconceptions gotten in the way of science?

5. A common conception is that scientists work alone and in isolation from other ideas. Do you agree? Why?

6. How does technology affect progress in science?

Bill O'Reilly's Demonstrates his Understanding of Science!

From a physics standpoint this is NOT meant to be a discussion of religion but a discussion of science. Watch what Bill O'Reilly refers to at about 1 min 50 s for his "evidence" for religious beliefs and the response below by NDT.

Cool Visualization of Gravity