Topic presentation

Blog Entry #2

I will be doing my research on neurolinguistics. I want to research how connexion are made in the brain of multilingual people and how language pathways can differ from brain to brain. I also want to explore how age affects our capacity to aquire a language. Also, an objective I set myself with this paper would be for non-scientific people to read my research and feel less afraid by such subject. I would like to educate people and maybe lessen that fear about science to people who do not necessarily have a scientific mind and dress a more general portray of neurolinguistics. We don’t necessarily associate language and science together, but I would like to create some sort of bridge in between the two. My goal would be for people to leave the ALC festival more educated about something people will not certainly have the reflex to reach out for. I always have art and science, so I am thrilled to be able to mix both.

My team gave me feed back, as I did not have the precise subject to focus on multilingualism. It was also fun to get my theory confirmed that this particular subject might seem big and scary, even to student who study in this area of expertise. It was encouraging to chat about and being told I am on an interesting track.

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